It is to be expected that President Obama’s nominees will be quite radical for the most part, but his Education Secretary nominee Kevin Jennings is rather alarming. A man who once failed to report a molestation a of schools age boy and who wrote the forward to the book “Queering Elementary.”
Diane at Te Deum laudamus has details and commentary.
He supports the type of indoctrination that suggests train them while they are young. That goes beyond acceptance of people who struggle with same-sex attraction to acceptance of homosexual acts and the continuing mainstreaming of something intrinsically disordered. Our society is already playing Hell in the confusion of pre-teens with so-called sexual identity by turning sex into something that means nothing more than a pleasurable handshake. This lie that totally contradicts God’s plan for human sexuality within the context of marriage is one of the most prominent lies from which so many other lies and evils fall.
The secular culture is quite narrow despite how it sees itself as the broadening open minded way. They can’t make distinctions between those who have some level of same-sex attraction and those who commit intrinsically disordered acts. For them it must all be accepted. There is a great difference between the temptation and falling to it. From Seinfeld we get the clip “Not that there is anything wrong with that” in reference to homosexuality. This joke though seems to be the philosophy of modern culture.
As the Vatican previously stated:
It is deplorable that homosexual persons have been and are the object of violent malice in speech or in action. Such treatment deserves condemnation from the Church’s pastors wherever it occurs. It reveals a kind of disregard for others which endangers the most fundamental principles of a healthy society. The intrinsic dignity of each person must always be respected in word, in action and in law.
But the proper reaction to crimes committed against homosexual persons should not be to claim that the homosexual condition is not disordered. When such a claim is made and when homosexual activity is consequently condoned, or when civil legislation is introduced to protect behavior to which no one has any conceivable right, neither the Church nor society at large should be surprised when other distorted notions and practices gain ground, and irrational and violent reactions increase.
Those such as Mr. Jennings in their promotion of GLBT causes in the school system think they are doing good. The President recently announced this month as GLBT Pride month (I’ll stick with celebrating the Sacred Heart of Jesus this month). This type of opinion is prevalent in our school systems and while they are trying to eliminate unjust discrimination they are really promoting unjust discrimination against anybody who would dare disagree with them. Complain and you are branded a Neanderthal wanting to put those with same-sex attraction back into the closet. Look what homosexual activists in their fascist tactics did to those who supported Prop 9 in California by setting up black lists and getting people fired.
Those who suffer with same-sex attraction have a heavy cross in resisting these temptations and remaining chaste. No one is served well by having their temptations branded as not being disordered. When it comes to fornication and adultery society is also going full force in trying to normalize grave sins.
I hope their is a massive reaction to Mr. Jennings’ nomination and that he is defeated. The Department of Education is already a worthless department that educates nobody and Mr. Jennings could only add to further politically correct brainwashing of our school children and which does an injustice to our brothers an sisters who have the cross of same-sex attraction.
This is horrible, and America just plays dead like nothing is happening.
The first article did not give specifics, at least in the first part, about the position, which is not the Secretary of Education, but in the Department of Education. I have updated my post with information from the Washington Times and Family Research Council. The Washingtom Times gives details of the position:
Kevin Jennings, an activist who worked to create “safe spaces” for gay students at schools, has been selected by the Obama administration to become assistant deputy secretary of the Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools inside the Department of Education.
It don’t mean nothing.
The so-called man, like Quis Ut Deus and his minions, is totally for peace and justice and that covers up for all freaking sins.
Truly horrendous. When will oh-so-liberal parents realize that they are the first teachers for their children and that they should be the ones teaching their children (father to son and mother to daughter) about the true purpose of sex? No, surrender this responsibility to the government why don’t they. It’s this hands-off approach and the “we accept you for being gay no matter what and will not bother to guide you on the right path” combined with “being best friends with your kids” that fails to draw the generational distinction, that has parents failing.
“The Department of Education is already a worthless department that educates nobody”
This is why my parents homeschool me.
I think we have to start proclaiming what may be an uncomfortable truth for many: sexuality is fluid.
The current gay “rights” movement is built upon a chance similarity with the civil rights movement of the 60’s. It is implied but not proven at all that sexuality is so innately ingrained that it is something we are born with vice turned into.
But most gays do not operate at this level. They intrinsically understand that, if you start young enough, you can “turn” an otherwise normally oriented person into someone with homo or bi proclivities.
People, especially men, are uncomfortable to talk about the concept of fluid sexuality I think because it makes them feel vulnerable and awkward because it personalizes the concept of sexuality. Bringing up the topic instantly makes you a subject of suspicion — that your understanding may come from experience and possibly even some sort of personal struggle.
But regardless whether you have these specific struggles or not, all humans struggle with their sexuality and sex drive. It is this struggle in some form or another that is built into our genes, not homosexuality.
The great success of the gay movement has been to cleverly disguise this truth with a very near-truth.
But its demise will lie in the fearlessness of men who can stand up to whispering campaigns in response to their declaration of the plain truth:
Sexuality is fluid.
As someone who works with teens, let me just say that the gay rights folks have done a grand job: young people in America, even those from “good Catholic families” have a hard time figuring out what is wrong with homosexual “marriage”, adoptions, etc. We have a lot of work to do….
Jennings is the founder of GLSEN (Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network). The organization has done much, including popularize The Day of Silence, the annual event in April where kids in school refuse to speak in class in order to gain awareness for their GLBTQ peers. They have also popularized the GSA (Gay Straight Alliance) clubs in high schools (and now middle schools) throughout the country.