Priest from the troubled Diocese of Link performs magic tricks in sanctuary and performed same-sex “marriages” on Valentines Day.
Linz again
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Priest from the troubled Diocese of Link performs magic tricks in sanctuary and performed same-sex “marriages” on Valentines Day.
It is pictures and interviews like that which make me despair for the Church. The longer priests like this are permitted to function the more the undercatechised laity will think that this is authentic Catholicism instead of the ersatz Faith it really is.
Linz is kind like the alcoholic uncle you secretly hope never shows up at the parties you throw. when eventually he does, you spend half the time apologizing for his crass behavior and bemoan the fact that because he is family you simply can’t toss him out. One hopes they have a twelve step program for liturgical abusers.
Dear Sharon, Don’t despair!
The Priest seems to have lost his mind and perhaps the Bishop will be charitable in not causing him to also loose his head: but instead relieve him of his duties and have him sent for psychological evaluation. Perhaps some anti-psychotics are in order -> then he can, be dismissed from the clerical and perform in the streets as the village idiot.
Perhaps this priest would be more to the liking of the hierarchy in Austria regarding promotion to the episcopacy than the last priest, Father Wagner, they ran out.
What a sad situation.
He has said it himself: He became a priest because he wanted to change the Church.
That’s the whole issue in a nutshell right there.