ROME — Catholic women seeking to become priests denounced the church’s ban on female ordination as sexist and unjust, bringing their campaign close to the Vatican on Wednesday during a worldwide gathering of bishops.
The small group of women representing Catholic organizations from around the world marched across the Tiber River close to St. Peter’s Square, some wearing signs with the names of prominent women in the early days of the Roman Catholic Church.
“Ordain Women! Ordain Women!” the woman chanted. They later tried to deliver a petition to the Swiss Guards at the Vatican, but nobody came to pick it up.
Aisha Taylor, the executive director of the Women’s Ordination Conference in the United States, said the women wanted to call attention to the issue during the synod, a meeting of 253 bishops under way. [article]
Reminds me of the hilarious Envoy Magazine piece that had the names for some future encyclicals including:
Amen Amen Dico Vobis; Nihil Muliebrium Sacerdotum (Read My Lips: No Women Priests) Encyclical asking radical Catholic feminists what part of Pope John Paul the Great’s Ordinatio Sacerdotalis (on the reservation of holy orders to men alone) they don’t understand.
Rursus Dicam: Nullo Modo (I’ll Say It Again: No Way) Encyclical explaining the pope’s position on women priests even more plainly.
With the picking and choosing that dissenters do, I’m almost surprised we don’t hear a little more about people who, say, favor women’s ordination, but recognize that the Church can’t change dogma, and accept that we’re stuck with a “sexist and unjust” doctrine. Sure, there’s no hope for change, but why should that stop someone?
Maybe they’ve got the papal “no” mixed up with the permissive parent’s “no”, as in, “Well, ok, but only if you stop that whining.” It’s all Dr Spock’s fault. 🙂
Nothing says “I’m ready to take a vow of obedience” like an angry protest….
“Even though leaders have come out saying no, and it’s over and over again, I do believe that cannot continue for too many decades.”
Decades? Try centuries, sister. Tradition has held out this long and she thinks the end is coming. What ignorance.
This also cracked me up:
The Vatican’s firmness on the issue has dashed the hopes of women seeking to be priests but also of Catholics who see that as an option for a church struggling to recruit men. It has also raised fears that women might abandon the Roman Catholic Church for other branches of Christianity that allow female priesthood.
Really? If we gather a petition that asks for these women to join the Methodists, would they? What if we said ‘pretty, pretty please with Gloria Steinem on top?’
Well, Christmas is coming and I couldn’t think of a more perfect gift than a mass exodus. (All 25 of them…)
As I was reading the quote, I thought it was one of your parodies. They tried to deliver a petition but no one came to pick it up! Comic gold.
News flash: real women don’t want to be priests.
This issue is not clear, unless you STUDY that in Jesus time the Jews HAD priestesses, and Him by appointing a first tier of 12 and, a second tier of 72 only male, to exercise priesthood duties, gentlemanly spared women some harsh missions.
Not all of course: this protection did not spare women of crosses and mission labor, innovative thinking & action, like Santa Teresa de Ávila, St. Catherine of Sienna, St. Faustina, Bl. Teresa de Calcuta, Mother Angelica of EWTN etc.
Why is the ‘executive director’ named after Muhammad’s second, 9-year old wife?
I can’t really comment on the specific Catholic issues as I don’t understand your doctrine enough. But I commented a few times over the last year about this issue in the Anglican Church, obviously we already have women vicars and the recent argument was for women bishops.
If you’re interested here are some of my posts.
If these women don’t like it, they can leave! I’m sure they’ll find some non-Catholic “clergy” willing to “ordain” them. >_>
I can’t really comment on the specific Catholic issues as I don’t understand your doctrine enough
It’s quite simple really: Women can no more be priests than we can use beer and pizza for the matter of the Eucharist. JPII issued Ordinatio Sacerdotalis so that “all doubt may be removed” and said the Church has no authority to ordain women.
That should make the dissidents shut up and go away, right? Well, no because ultimately we are dealing with rebellious wills rather than honestly dissatisfied intellects. And so we see all kinds nonsense in order to keep the corpse a’twitching. I even read someone who accepted the male-only teaching, but said that since the Church has not formally defined manhood, it’s still an open question. :rolleyes.
Women cannot be priests in the same way that men cannot bear children. The masculine character is necessary for the priesthood. Women are hardwired to be mothers and men are hardwired to be fathers. There is a reason we address priests as “father”.
This is the order of the universe that God has made. They wish to remake it to their own liking and are banging their heads on the church doors like addle-pated twits.
It is so sad to see anyone renounce and denounce reality.