New Orleans, Sep 30, 2008 / 03:20 am (CNA).- Archbishop of New Orleans Alfred C. Hughes has criticized a Louisiana lawmaker’s proposal to pay poor women to sterilize themselves, calling it “seriously wrong,” “blatantly anti-life,” and a “form of eugenics.”
Louisiana’s Rep. John LaBruzzo, a Republican from Metairie, last week said he is studying a plan to pay poor women $1,000 to have their Fallopian tubes tied.
His proposal would also cover other forms of birth control, such as vasectomies for men, and could also encourage tax incentives for college-educated, higher-income people to have more children, the Times-Picayune reports.
Eeeeeewwwww…. 🙁
Because poverty is genetic, duh.
Besides the obvious awfulness of this, why would anyone assume that a disadvantaged person would remain so throughout his/her childbearing years? Plenty of successful people have climbed out of poverty enough to provide adequately for their children…
All the wealth in the world may not necessarily buy back one’s ability to reproduce after a sterilization technique has been performed.
You know the idea is entirely without merit if it is proposed by someone that is deluded enough to encourage tax incentives for college-educated, higher-income people to have more children. The world has no need of more highly indoctrinated, elitist, buffoons.
Fr a bit of fun, check out the movie “Idiocracy” for an entertaining and eerily-accurate caricature of college educated, upper income couples. But I digress.
Let’s look at a real world example of these indoctrinated elitist types. PZ Myers, the eucharist desecrator proclaimed “Hold Nothing Sacred” after his recent self-damning stunt.
“Logic” is the rationale offered by the bulk of these irrationally livid, antitheists for their disjointed, and incoherent conclusions, and behaviours, so let’s hit Mr. Myers statement with the blunt club of simple logic and see what happens.
1) Atheism posits that God does not exist.
2) Therefore to be an atheist you must accept that God = Nothing.
3) Things of equal value are substitutable (eg. 10 dimes = 4 quarters = 1 dollar, are each expressions of the same value and it is loically valid to substitute any for any other.
4) Therefore, (to an atheist) “Hold (Nothing) Sacred” is exactly equal to “Hold (God) Sacred!”
See what happens when someone actually does apply LOGIC to the actions, words, and ideas of these indoctrinated ones. The end effect is the precise opposite of what he intended. That’s the indoctrinated “genius” class in action.
And this report wants to inflict us with more of these guys???
PZ Myers.
Great is our God and Father who pulls fitting praise from the lips of his enemies.
As a LA native I am horrified by this so called “Republican”.
He’s doing exactly the same thing that pro-abortion liberals are doing. The only difference is, somewhere, some pro-abort (parading as a “pro-choice” folk) will lambast him because he’s a Republican.
Poverty is not genetic; making choices that lead to poverty (not finishing school, not accepting jobs even when they aren’t glamorous, etc) is not genetic. Violence (most forms, anyway) is not genetic. Irresponsibility is not genetic. All those things are learned behaviors that – in a culture that didn’t teach entitlement and self-satisfaction are #1 (as ours does) – could be curbed.
How dare he decide who is and isn’t worthy of being a parent. This is a heartbeat away from “parental licenses” folks talk about – where some government bean-counter would decide if you’re worthy to embrace your fertility based on your income, your savings account, your house, your education, your checkbook. Which pretty much means a lot of the folks I know (like my parents, who were never rich and never went to college) wouldn’t have been able to have ME or my brother.
I think not.
Unfortunately, politicians are asexual breeders.
Fr. Philip, OP
Fr. Philip, OP…….wonderful post! *Ba da bump!* LOL