I found this over at Insight Scoop a statement where Sen. Joe Biden says:
"My views are totally consistent with Catholic social doctrine,"
This reminded me of something that came out during the last presidential campaign cycle in 2004. Sen. Dick Durbin had put out a scorecard called "Evaluating the Votes and Actions of Public Officials from a Catholic Perspective" where each Catholic Senator was suppose to be evaluated against Catholic doctrine and USCCB "full range of issues." It was a quite laughable attempt since it had Kerry at the top with Sen. Santorum towards the bottom. But I decided to look it up again to see where even this heavily biased scorecard placed Sen. Biden.
Overall Score
Domestic Score
International Score
Pro-Life Score
So Sen "My views are totally consistent with Catholic social doctrine" Biden gets scored at only 50% by his fellow Catholic Democrat on a scale that was totally relativistic in regard to issues..
Of course as Carl Olson notes the Church’s pro-life teaching is part of the "social doctrine" of the Church.and of course is included in the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church. Though I can understand how the Senator has made this mistake because so many of the social justice types make exactly the same mistake. There is social justice and then there is abortion. There is a false schism that has been created in regards to the Church’s pro-life and pro-marriage teaching and what social justice activists think are only included in this category. As Catholics we can get tired of saying both/and, but we constantly have to repeat it because is constantly applies. Let’s work for the culture of life and at the same time also have a preferential love of the poor. Let’s work to end abortion and be peacemakers. Let’s help mothers choose life when they think this new life is inconvenient and be prudential stewards of the environment that God created for us. Both/And people!
Find someone who follows the “both/and” mindset and its almost a guarantee that person will annoy the batsnot out of everyone. Which is exactly how it should be.
“My views are totally consistent with Catholic social doctrine”.. so saith Pope Josephus Bidenus I.
One reason I enjoy Curt Jester and blogs like CMR is that when obstinate sinners like Pelosi and Biden open their cake-holes and spew forth such incomprehensible, contradictory and dangerous barf, they deserve a good ridiculing. If laissez-faire Catholics became more aware of forums like these, they’d be laughing so hard at the CINO politicians and theologians that those same politicians might just be shamed into responsibility. A little embarrassment and shame wouldn’t do them any harm about now, considering the gross misrepresentation of Catholic doctrine by Pelosi, Biden, et al.
Interestingly, the evaluation is based on the USCCB stands on certain issues. Given that the USCCB stands on many issues are at odds with the Compendium of Social Doctrine actually says, this whole evaluation is nothing more than worthless. But then, considering who put it out & why, it is amazing that Biden came out as poorly as he did.
Col. Joe Biden must be having kittens over McCain picking Gov. Palin for his Vice-President. I imagine he was hoping McCain would pick a pro-choice man expecting observant Protestants, Jews, Muslims, and Catholics to drop the GOP. Besides, I like cats.
Plese read my post at Inside Catholic:
(21) Fruits
August 28th, 2008 | 1:58pm
“…it also was how the bishops kept Church teaching from being distorted by pro-abortion Catholics”.
Please Deal, think and read yourself again: Kept them from distorting Church teaching? Pleeeeeeease…
“By their fruits you shall know”. The fruits of the USCCB are an utter shame, for us lay apostles.
GROSS is their negligence, no to say contemptible, in not enforcing Canon 915 MOST CLEAR steps. They not only did NOT keep away of any recantation those politicians, formally murderers, from public excommunication (Oh, the dreadful Inquisitor in me!)
They invited them to attend in prominent rows the Papal Mass in DC to scandalize the entire world, with their sacrilegious Holy Communions.
Or are you… way too much fond, with Donnie Wuerl, Pelosi, Kennedy, Dodd, Kerry and many other pro-abortion “Catholic” Congressmen, of the DC benefit-social-cocktail circuit? Not personal, I know you mean well, just a friendly tease.
Written by Guillermo Bustamante
Quote(22) Is Joe Biden Catholic?
August 28th, 2008 | 3:44pm
Here’s hoping there’s a Bishop that will correct another public heretic. An article in the Christian Science Monitor on Biden:
“My views are totally consistent with Catholic social doctrine,” says Biden, a six-term Democratic senator from Delaware. “There are elements within the church who say that if you are at odds with any of the teachings of the church, you are at odds with the church. I think the church is bigger than that.”
Written by RK
Some clueless said:
Still, kudos to the bishops for having the guts to publicly correct her.
I don’t get it (yeah, I know Barack says John McCain doesn’t get it, but I’m shorter); if Col. Biden and his buddies don’t accept major tenets of Catholicism, why don’t they become Episcopalian. As I understand, anything goes there (this is not to insult the ones rallying to the African Bishops).
“My views are totally consistent with Catholic social doctrine” Isn’t it embarrassing that the Catholic is lying, and the Assemblies of God Sara Palin is the one following Catholic doctrine?
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