There is an interesting new Catholics
social networking bookmarking
site called PickAFig
(no idea about the name) that sort of like digg to allow you to submit
stories and to have others vote on them. The interface needs
some work but it pretty much brand new. It would be nice for
it to work out so users of it can tag news stories and blog posts that
will be of interest to other Catholics.
Kathy Shaidle linked to this today.
I say congratulations to
the first Catholic blogger who today celebrates eight years of blogging
that started at RelapsedCatholic and continues at
Five Feet of Fury.
I’m glad you mentioned Kathy Shaidle, the Canadian blogger diva! She snarls, she shocks, she posts lingerie models to annoy, but she is utterly addictive. She’s also a Canadian Free Speech heroine, and I encourage everyone to donate to her legal defence fund–or to buy her online book.
Anything’s better than Digg as you and I discussed out at Plurk.
If you have feedback or suggestions for PickAFig, there is a new google group just for that purpose:
Thanks for your support, CJ!
I also posted about PickAFig on the Catholic Tech Tips blog. There is a reason for the name they chose. Read the comments section of the following post: