TORONTO, July 1, 2008 ( – The Archbishop of Toronto has today called on all Catholics in Canada’s largest city to demand that the award of the Order of Canada to arch-abortionist Henry Morgentaler be revoked.
The full statement of Archbishop Collins follows:
Canada’s highest honour has been debased. Henry Morgentaler has been awarded the Order of Canada. We are all diminished.
A community’s worth is measured by the way it treats the most vulnerable, and no one is more vulnerable than in the first nine months of life’s journey. No person may presume to judge the soul of Henry Morgentaler, but it cannot be denied that the effect of his life’s work has been a deadly assault upon the most helpless amongst us.
Canada glories in the names of Banting and Best, and the other medical heroes who selflessly brought healing where there was disease and suffering. Now it honours with the Order of Canada a medical man who has brought not healing, but the destruction of the defenseless and immeasurable grief. This award must not stand.
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TORONTO – Controversial abortion activist Dr. Henry Morgentaler, who was named a member of the Order of Canada this week, said Wednesday he deserves the recognition for helping Canadian women be safe.
“The work I’ve done over the years and the sacrifices and the sentence of imprisonment that I have suffered, I think that finally now the government has recognized my contribution to Canadian women and I am very proud of it,” Morgentaler, 85, told a news conference in Toronto.
The prestigious appointment Tuesday refuelled the abortion debate and was slammed by one of Canada’s top Catholics as debasing the order.
Morgentaler said he wasn’t shocked that the Catholic Church was so opposed to him receiving the distinction. “I’m surprised it is not more violent than it is,” he said. “They are adamantly opposed to the right to safe abortion.”
So a person who dismembers babies for a living is surprised that the reaction is not more violent? Since he says “more violent” he must think Catholics protesting him getting this honor is an act of violence. I guess his understanding of the word violence differs from my own. Though his understanding of the word safe is probably at odds with the person he cuts up also.
The abortion groups seem to think that pro-lifers are a violent group that have their rosaries out front and their nooses behind their backs. Every time it seems that the abortionists protest to the intimidation and violence of protesters. Yes, they may get noisy, and may try to obtrude access to the abortion mill, but the people going in have more to fear from the actual abortionist than the protesters. What seems to be more common is violence of pro-abortion people towards pro-lifers.
Dear Bishops of Canada,
Too little, too late. Please build a time machine, go back 40 years, and stand up for Church teaching– for a change.
The Unborn
My husband’s father was born into a family of 13 + 2 adopted kids. 2 became Mds and 1 a Vet. He graduated from Laval University and served his country in WW II. He practiced in remote areas of Canada via an airplane.He delivered 3000 babies in his lifetime, praying for each delivery, he never lost a mother or a child. Where is his award?
These kind of stories leave me speechless…
“They are adamantly opposed to the right to safe abortion.”
I’m all for safe abortion. The problem with abortions today is they always end up with a dead baby and a mother who is wounded for life. Not safe at all.
I don’t know about his award, but we all know where his REward will come from!
It is both shocking and disgusting that an abortionist would be honored by the public like this. Next thing we know, Margaret Sanger will be given a posthumous Nobel Peace Prize.
My husband’s father was born into a family of 13 + 2 adopted kids. 2 became Mds and 1 a Vet. He graduated from Laval University and served his country in WW II. He practiced in remote areas of Canada via an airplane.He delivered 3000 babies in his lifetime, praying for each delivery, he never lost a mother or a child. Where is his award?
— terrific men like this dont need the fleeting honor that comes with an award. His legacy will speak for itself. Thank you for all that has been done and will be done because of him.
I wonder, does the Archbishop of Toronto protest the violence done against marriages in the Catholic divorce mills, called Tribunals? Does he even care?
All violence is not physical. The abortion of a valid marriage has far more consequences to the souls of those who are its victims than the consequence to the soul of an unborn child that is murdered by abortion. Their soul has no danger of eternal damnation.
The souls of those driven from the Church by its draconian pastoral practices and sham marriage tribunals should be just a precious to the Archbishop. Their souls are in real danger.
Thus, the Catholic Church errs in it preference for the “unborn” over the “unwanted” who happen to be divorced against their will, with the full blessings of the Catholic Church.
But those of us who are among the “unwanted” are just “cancers” upon the Church and we “deserved” to be “discarded and nullified” by the Tribunals of the GREAT AND HOLY CATHOLIC CHURCH.
I am sick of the never ending moaning about abortion. It completely has blinded the Catholic Church that its job is to love all, not just the unborn!!!!!!
I have rarely met a person, male or female, who is strongly opposed to divorce and who favors abortion. I have met many who are opposed to abortion, who are on their second and even third marriages. That is all I ever needed to know. The contradiction is obvious. This “person” is the same as the Catholic Church. This IS THE CATHOLIC CHURCH.
May the Catholic Church continue its decline until it rearranges its skewed priorities.
I wonder, does the Archbishop of Toronto protest the violence done against marriages in the Catholic divorce mills, called Tribunals? Does he even care?
All violence is not physical. The abortion of a valid marriage has far more consequences to the souls of those who are its victims than the consequence to the soul of an unborn child that is murdered by abortion. Their soul has no danger of eternal damnation.
The souls of those driven from the Church by its draconian pastoral practices and sham marriage tribunals should be just a precious to the Archbishop. Their souls are in real danger.
Thus, the Catholic Church errs in it preference for the “unborn” over the “unwanted” who happen to be divorced against their will, with the full blessings of the Catholic Church.
But those of us who are among the “unwanted” are just “cancers” upon the Church and we “deserved” to be “discarded and nullified” by the Tribunals of the GREAT AND HOLY CATHOLIC CHURCH.
I am sick of the never ending moaning about abortion. It completely has blinded the Catholic Church that its job is to love all, not just the unborn!!!!!!
I have rarely met a person, male or female, who is strongly opposed to divorce and who favors abortion. I have met many who are opposed to abortion, who are on their second and even third marriages. That is all I ever needed to know. The contradiction is obvious. This “person” is the same as the Catholic Church. This IS THE CATHOLIC CHURCH.
May the Catholic Church continue its decline until it rearranges its skewed priorities.
Welcome to Canada. We’ve hit the bottom and started digging.
Wow, “Anon”, you must be in a lot of pain. I am sorry you have to feel so angry. In all sincerity, have you been to a spiritual director or been to Confession lately? Your anger could be very dangerous to your spiritual well being.
There are some distinctions to be made: you must be talking about civil divorce, because there is no such thing as divorce in the Catholic Church. A decree of nullity (an “annulment”) is granted when a union is recognized to be null, i.e., never constituting a valid marriage due to some serious impediment. A decree of nullity frees both individuals to marry within the Church. A priest on the tribunal, called the Defender of the Bond, assumes the role of defending the union. If the union is found to be a valid marriage, then the two parties, if they cannot be reconciled to each other, should live apart and not attempt another marriage with different people. In the eyes of the Church, any new union would then constitute bigamy and the “spouse” or “spouses” would be committing adultery.
The Church does love and value everyone, but She cannot prevent people from harming themselves or each other. Freewill bites, but there it is. People can and do choose to sin. If one “spouse” decides to seek a civil divorce (what divorce is ever “civil”?), there is nothing the Church can do except counsel both parties to avoid sin and configure themselves to Christ’s teaching about marriage.
The Church prays for sinners to repent. The Church counsels people who commit abortions – abortionists, the parents of the unborn child – to love and embrace life. Holy Mother Church accepts the sinner who asks for forgiveness for the crime committed, and welcomes back the repentant sinner like the father who welcomed back the Prodigal Son. Marriage is for life; marriage is for begetting new life. Anyone who is not for protecting lifelong marriage lived in fidelity to Christ and His teaching deserves your criticism.
Adults have a choice; the unborn have no voice except ours. You are free to embrace life. The unborn have no choice.
With regards to Henry Morgentaler and the Order of Canada – this day, I am ashamed to be Canadian.
I emailed our Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, and asked him to revoke Henry Morgentaler’s Order of Canada award. I think it is one of thousands of similar emails they will have to sift through. I am ashamed to be Canadian when our nation is esteeming a baby killer with its highest civilian honour.
Oh! Canada………
We just celebrated Canada on the first of July.
Now we must mourn the final death throes of any morality we might have ever had with this appalling award.
This is the nadir. Pray for our country, our continent, our world.
Let’s work, Canadians to get this Order revoked. It’s no surprise that Supreme Court Justice Madame Beverly MacLachlin’s was the one who helped ram this award through. This “wonderful” woman believes that it is not the duty of Supreme Court Justices to follow precedent set by case law, but in fact, to make Canadian laws themselves. She is Morgentalers lackey in this case.
Sign the online petition, call Stephen Harper, and the Governor General’s office.
I’m so ashamed to be a Canadian today.
These short articles do not do justice to showing how horrible Dr Morgentaler is, and the culture of death he has established in Canada. He is not simply an abortionist, or an arch-abortionist. He has spread abortion to every corner of Canada. He has put abortion mills in every province, even where they are not needed or wanted. He is an absolute enemy of life. If you do some research you will see, he is the worst thing that has ever happened to Canada.
Canadians who wish to protest the Order of Canada to Henry Morgentaler, and ask Governor General Michaelle Jean and Prime Minister Stephen Harper to rescind it can sign a petition here:
Non-Canadians can do the same here: