“Look at me I have been automatically
excommunicated and it is reserved to the Holy See to lift it.”
The annoying thing about these faux
ordinations is that they are hard
to parody when they go to so much effort to parody themselves.
Come on tie-dye stoles? Plus
exactly what part of the ordination ceremony calls for the above
The blankets are a pretty tacky detail.
Them seem more fitting to send with your kindergarten kid for
nap time. Seen plenty of pictures of priest being ordained
and don’t think I ever saw one with them prostrate on a blanket.
But priestess fashion is not the issue.
I do feel sad for these deluded women and those who support
them in their delusion.
The Womenpriests organization says
ordinations are legitimate because Catholic bishops in good standing
ordained their first members to become female priests and bishops.
Therefore, they argue, the women being ordained can claim apostolic
succession, or direct descent from Jesus’s apostles.
That reminds me of some news I have for
you. The other day three aliens each from a different race
informed me that I had been specifically selected to be the Ruler of
Earth and Guardian of our Solar System (take that Al Gore!).
In fact I am now 23rd in line to succeed his Magnificence and
Emperor of the Galaxy. Though there is some dispute on this
from some of the other alien races so I can’t tell you what aliens
selected me.
“We are not intimidated. We feel so
Oh you feel strongly? Excuse me
that defeats all of my arguments relying on Scripture, Sacred Tradition
and the Magisterium.
I’m feeling such joy, I could rise up,”
Lee said in an interview after the ceremony. She pointed out that she
was wearing a cross from Dignity, an organization of gay Catholics.
No one will be surprised to find that
these women don’t just reject this one teaching. Like I said
last week – scratch a dissident and you will find someone upset about
some area of the Church’s teaching on sexual morality. If
women are being called to the priesthood then why is it only dissident
women that are being called? Where are the women being
ordained that have a preference for the extraordinary form of the Mass?
Why do they always have a preference for Hippy stoles and not
beautifully embroidered ones. Where are the traditionalist
women priestesses who are being called?
Plus how comes the “women’s ordination
movement” doesn’t have any seminaries? They just ordain women
without any real preparation. Not everyone who enters a real seminary
goes on to discern that they are indeed called to the priesthood, so
why it is that these women are infallible? Besides it is the
Church that is part of the discernment process and not just an
individual choice no matter how much strongly you feel about it.
The way the “women’s ordination movement” has approached the
whole thing is more like a show and that they don’t really believe what
they are doing in the first place.
The women did not pledge obedience or
chastity – the promises made by Roman Catholic priests – and one was
introduced to the congregation by her daughter; another by her husband.
Well exactly who would they promise
obedience to other then
themselves. Would it be the “bishop” from California
“ordained” in Germany who “ordained” them in Boston? On a side note I
am running out of sneer quote ink for this post. Whatever
happened to having three bishops involved in an ordination as insurance?
I guess one fake bishop is just as invalid as three fake
Though since this whole thing was done in
a Protestant church they should all feel right at home. If
you have decided that you are above the Pope and the bishops in union
with him and have thrown out Catholic eccelesiology then
congratulations on becoming Protestant.
But the women who participated in the
event, along with the several hundred people who spent nearly three
hours in the sweltering Church of the Covenant, said they rejected the
excommunications and believed that the women had been validly ordained.
Wow I ought to try that some time.
Officer I reject your ticket and I believe I was driving
the speed limit.
Oh well what do I know after all I am only a Newsweek reporter.
“…scratch a dissident and you will find someone upset about some area of the Church’s teaching on sexual morality”
You’ve got that right. Looks like that plus some bad fashion sense adds up to women playing at the priesthood. And pregnant “men.”
I am so sick of these women. Yeck!
The “obedience” part doesn’t surprise me, but I have to laugh that they didn’t take a vow of chastity. Obviously they (like most of the world, it seems) don’t know the difference between “chastity” and “celibacy”.
Now, of course, I will be thinking of them as the Unchaste Priestesses of the Beach Blanket Bingo Church.
So do they even have M.Div. degrees? How often do they pray? To whom do they expect to minister? What have we done to deserve having these women foist themselves on us as “priests”?
I am glad they call themselves “Womanpriests” because it underscores that they are no longer “Roman Catholics.”
Plus how comes the “women’s ordination movement” doesn’t have any seminaries?
Jeff, Jeff!
The don’t have seminaries, but they do have “formation.” From their website:
“The Roman Catholic Womenpriests formation program is broad-based and includes the following areas:
* Theological Studies
* Sacramental Preparation
* Liturgical Practice
* Spiritual Discernment”
Now, I got a bit of a chuckle over “liturgical practice” with the emphasis on the second word, but a reader on my blog zapped right on to the “broad based” description…to where I will not go, of course.
It is so laughable, but sad. They are so deceived that they believe their lies. Sad thing is that good people will become confused by their antics. This evening on 96.9 Boston talk radio, it became Catholic bashing. The show hosts were a disgruntled Catholic and a Jew. Imagine if I as a Catholic and a disgruntled Jew attacked the Jewish faith – I would be tarred and feathered.
I wish these dissidents and those who support them would just accept the Church’s teachings and move on. I often wonder where these “priestesses” pretend to celebrate Mass and who shows up for them. Thankfully, the hippie generation has gray hair and future generations can hopefully repair all the damage his rebellious generation has foisted on society. Just another example of the poor catechesis that was a by-product of those days of felt banners and guitar Masses.
But don’t you see why they don’t need seminaries? They’ve been “feeling” called for so long and they have such a depth of experience at feeling things that they are more then prepared for ministry. Seminaries, besides, are patriarchal institutions designed to enslave people to a certain mind set. We all know that being pastoral is about feeling right, and not about truth or intellectual thought.
*GAG!!!!* Ugh…sorry. It appears even when I’m being sarcastic I can only handle so much heresy. Apparently I went past my limit.
If women are being called to the priesthood then why is it only dissident women that are being called? Where are the women being ordained that have a preference for the extraordinary form of the Mass? Why do they always have a preference for Hippy stoles and not beautifully embroidered ones. Where are the traditionalist women priestesses who are being called?
Preach it, brother.
Women who have a preference for the EFM have the 411 on what is licit and women traipsing around an altar in all their tie-dyed glory isn’t it. These frustrated flower children continue to think that if they keep telling everyone they’re priests, it will come true. Such is the generation of “the politics of meaning.”
I am beyond thrilled to see that many from the younger generation isn’t buying into this outright rebellion. I’ve visited the WP website and could count on one hand the number of members who were under 50. These women keep thinking they’re on “the cutting edge” of societal evolution. But if so, why aren’t their “causes” being taken up by more college students?
It’s because those who think women should be priests are probably hitting the Buddhist temples or applying to some Episcopalian seminary.
I wonder what would happen if I marched into their office wearing a chausable, had a huge rosary around my waist, and an Elroy cap with a propeller on top. What would they do if I said, “Well. I was ordained by my cocker spaniel and I knew it was legitimate when she licked my hand. Now who wants to do the Divine Mercy Chaplet with me!?”
Shoot. I accidentally hit submit instead of preview.
I misspelled “chasuble.” I’m sure the WP’s won’t mind.
Five words: The Episcopal Church welcomes you.
Tacky tie-dyed stoles and all.
I will never recognize women who are falsely ordained as “priests” – they invalidate the Mass and do great harm to their souls and the souls of people they try to “lead”…
Who left the door open for these gals to escape from the psychogeriatric ward at Mount Saint Mescaline Home for Aged Hippie Anarchists? The head nurse is gonna hear about this!
Supposedly some of these wimmym previously *ordained* and pretending to be priestettes have degrees, it just didn’t do any of them any good. I feel very sad for them. And you certainly are right on the money there Jeff, just the dissidents got *called*. When they are facing death some day, I’ll bet it goes through their heads that maybe they need a real priest for last rites and confession.
Plus exactly what part of the ordination ceremony calls for the above rubric?
The curtain call!
Where are the women being ordained that have a preference for the extraordinary form of the Mass? … Plus how comes the “women’s ordination movement” doesn’t have any seminaries?
I crossed paths with one on the internet–she’s been at it for years so I think she’s serious–who greatly enjoys the “smells and bells” of more ornate worship and was in seminary, but she was Episcopalian at the time, and I think still entertains a desire to syncretize Christianity with Buddhism into something pantheistic, so maybe she doesn’t count.
“The other day three aliens each from a different race informed me that I had been specifically selected to be the Ruler of Earth and Guardian of our Solar System (take that Al Gore!). In fact I am now 23rd in line to succeed his Magnificence and Emperor of the Galaxy.”
So when will you exercise your power and do away with these women?
Take a look at them. Ageing baby boomers all. The spoiled, rebellious generation. What a mess they’ve made of everything!
Ever notice how crazies like these have that same big grin no matter where they are or what they are doing, like they are aware of some big joke that the rest of us just cant seem to see?
Of course, in like fashion, if the old pious act of kissing the floor be performed by these oh-so-courageous women, they will lay little tie-dyed hankies on the floor first.
Are they prostrate on prayer rugs?
*sigh* Some people just don’t get it. It’s so fundamental why women can’t be priests. It’s theology based, not political
It’s so… “Protestant” to go against the Church like this and do what you think should be done.
As to these deceived and deceiving “womyn”, I am too sad and angry to comment.
But Jeff, congratulations on your reporter position! I don’t think you should stop at reporter, though. Why not take on the Newsweek authority to which you hear yourself called. YOU do the hiring, then all will be as it has been intended from the beginning.
Here’s an affirmation to help you out:
I am what Newsweek has been waiting for.
I, moved by the Newsweek spirit, will transform the magazine.
Newsweek will then change the world!
I AM Newsweek! WE are the world!
If you repeat these statements with confidence while looking in the mirror (or staring at your belly button) 3x daily, it will be so!! If, however, you sense the world’s urgent need for your leadership, try fast-track affirmation. Go on a retreat run by womynpriests.
Thank the Lord for your sense of humor !
I cant help but think of last Sunday’s Gospel with the parable of the good and bad wheat. Remember, both were to be grown and then sorted at harvest. Truly, these things help us to remain humble in the sight of the Lord. These instances are real teaching instuments on how we are to live as Catholics ( in a sorted way, of course).
Thanks again !
Is it just me, or do their “stoles” look an awful lot like the fires of hell?
The sashes are ugly, that’s all I can say, Amy.
Why is it that every time women of this type think they’ve “scored one for the team,” they look like the front row of a Beatlemania concert? I have no problem with anyone reminiscing about their good times; but so many from this generation seem to think they are still pioneers.
It’s their identity. It’s as though they can’t possibly enjoy life without fighting either for or against something. It’s tiresome.
I wish they could just chill out. Their days of influencing younger generations are gone. Sadly, they missed the memo.
How much methane gas does this pictured herd generate?
They look like they would be perfectly happy with Gene Robinson…the Anglican nightmare.
I really don’t get why they stay RC? Why? It obviously has nothing to interest them.
They want a female priesthood, sexual self-determination, divorce on demand, abortion, and any other nonsense (you are right – it is always sexual).
The Anglican church in its ever-hastening slide into total apostasy is a lovely pagan/NewAge melting pot for them. They would feel right at home.
The ‘smells and bells’ crowd in the AC will be elbowed all the way out soon and will be crossing the Tiber, so there will be plenty of room for excommunicated nutbars to play priestess and tiedye altar cloths to go with their stoles.
I am waiting for them to start classes in wicker cage weaving to ready for that day that they all become fully Druid.
But seriously ladies – JOIN THE ANGLICANS. You can be priestesses to your hearts’ content and nobody will argue with you. Or is that the problem?
That is a curtain call pose. After all, they are only ‘acting’ like priests…
Plus exactly what part of the ordination ceremony calls for the above rubric?
Well, the Lord’s (communal) Prayer of course!
I really don’t get why they stay RC? Why? It obviously has nothing to interest them.
They want a female priesthood, sexual self-determination, divorce on demand, abortion, and any other nonsense (you are right – it is always sexual).
Because, this way they’re the noble dissidents fighting the evil patriarchy.
If they leave – you know, do the intellectually *honest* thing – then they’re just more fish in a big sea. That wouldn’t soothe their egos one bit…
I wonder if the Anglicans have tie-dyed stoles as well. Otherwise, these woman priests could introduce a new liturgical fashion.
Of course, at the end of the day, there’s only one thing that matters: it is everyone’s job to do their utmost to get these ladies into Heaven.
One thing I really don’t get is the insistence upon the original, supposedly legit bishop, who ordained the first woman “bishop” (or however the story goes about the true apostolic succession) and the ladies’ reason for keeping his name mum — fear of the Vatican and all that.
In the light of Catholic history, this rationale is flawed. If the legitimate bishop in question did in fact use his God-given powers to ordain, then he either (a.) knew he was in error or (b.) knew he was obedient to God, even if his superiors wouldn’t agree and might even punish him.
Given option (b.), wouldn’t the bishop boldly aver his actions come what may? After all, if he knew he acted with Divine approval, what difference would human disapproval matter to him…even if this human disapproval came from his superiors? If God was and is on his side, why give a bleep if his earthly “job” were placed in jeopardy…or even his earthly life?
I can’t help thinking about Jeanne d’Arc.
Ladies, ladies: the stole, symbol of priestly authority, goes UNDER the chasuble, symbol of charity (for it covers all).
But perhaps your personal authority has overridden the charity of Mother Church. Come back.
Mary Rose-Amen to you, ‘sister’! You put it on the money!
I am SOOOO TIRED of these ‘throwbacks from the ’60s’!
Ever notice that there are no young women in these pictures? You only see ‘old bags’! (I’m over 50 myself, but never subscribed to the ‘womyn’s movement’)
Move along, ladies, move along….the JPII and BXVI generation is on its way, and they’re going to ‘clean up the mess’ !
Leave it to women to play dress up.
I keep reading that these ladies?, should join the Anglicans…have any of you who have made this comment ever thought that maybe the Anglicans wouldn’t take them??
No Anglican I know who celebrate a Mass in tacky things like that..let alone hold hands with anyone…amongst Anglicans of my knowledge, everything must be done ‘decently and in order’
Maybe I have never met the kind of Anglicans you seem to think exist all over.
“Plus how comes the “women’s ordination movement” doesn’t have any seminaries? “
I’m a certified surgical technologist and we have a joke saying in the OR regarding surgeons and surgical procedures: See one, Do one, Teach one.
Why have a seminary when a few weeks of OJT will do?
I’ve often wondered if when these women are “celebrating Mass”, do they remember by name the Pope and local bishop, because it is gravely illicit not to do so. I suppose my conjecturing presumes they are using one of the approved Eucharistic Prayers…and that they care about liceity at all, since they certainly don’t care about validity.
Their utter lack of training is,to me secondary to their lack of even a basic understanding of the cathechism and the structure of the church. Catholic bishops are APPOINTED TO A SEE! BY THE POPE!! They don’t exist free-form as in protestant organizations. They need to repent, and fast.
Where are these so called “Bishops in Good Standing?” Why are they so afraid to come forward and take a stand as to the reason for their “ordaining” these women. If you (the bishops) believe that you did something good, don’t be afraid…Take a stand like these women are doing…And when you do “come out” from hiding…face the consequences when Rome comes down on you and ex-communicates you like Holy Mother the Church did to these your “so called priests”
“If women are being called to the priesthood then why is it only dissident women that are being called? Where are the women being ordained that have a preference for the extraordinary form of the Mass? Why do they always have a preference for Hippy stoles and not beautifully embroidered ones. Where are the traditionalist women priestesses who are being called?”
I wonder if it is even possible to answer your first question. I have yet to meet a woman who believes she is called to ministerial priesthood, and has voiced that call, who has not been labelled a dissident for doing that very thing. As for your second, there are undoubtedly some out there, who at least support the Pope’s line in Summorum Pontificum – that is to say, who are at least wholly open to the extraordinary form, if not showing an absolute preference for it. For your third question, I share your concerns, but would point out that not all validly ordained male clergy have good taste in vestments. Where are the “traditionalist” women “priestesses” who are being called? Er, there’s one right here. I believe everything the Holy Catholic Church teaches to be true. I accept with joy the lawful authority of my Ordinary and the Pope. I try to live a good Christian life. Yet, I think I shall have to live with this call, unanswered, for the rest of my life. And that prospect is painful and frightening. I cannot speak for anyone else. I will not join the “Women Priests” movement. I will not leave the Catholic Church.
Please, just imagine for one moment the situation of a young woman who believes she could be being called to ministerial priesthood, just as any man her age could be, and pray for her. Pray, because she can’t pick up the phone and start to discern God’s will with a vocations director, or go and test it in a seminary, or talk about it with her friends and family. Pray that God’s will be done, and the Church find some way to draw strength from all sides, rather than threaten to tear herself apart with the snide remarks and bickering that so often mark this subject. Thanks.
I Had the Best of Intentions
When I decided to send my two oldest to school, I figured it was simply time. I had this great, philosophical attitude about the whole thing. I taught them our values, I taught them Church teaching. Heck, I immersed them…
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