Pete Vere at Catholic Exchange updates the story Fr. Alphonse de Valk.
In a decision that foreshadows the possible fate of Fr. Alphonse de Valk, Canada’s leading pro-life voice among Catholic clergy, the Alberta Human Rights Tribunal has forbidden evangelical pastor Stephen Boisson from expressing his moral opposition to homosexuality. The tribunal also ordered Boisson to pay $5,000 “damages for pain and suffering” and apologize to the “human rights” activist who filed the complaint.
The complaint stems from Canada’s debate leading up to state legislation recognizing so-called same-sex marriage. In 2002, the pastor wrote a letter to the editor of his local newspaper in which he denounced the homosexual agenda as “wicked” and stated that: “Children as young as five and six years of age are being subjected to psychologically and physiologically damaging pro-homosexual literature and guidance in the public school system; all under the fraudulent guise of equal rights.”
The activist subsequently filed a complaint with the Alberta Human Rights Commission – a quasi-judicial body that investigates alleged discrimination within the Canadian province. The government tribunal published its decision [] on May 30.
While agreeing that Boisson’s letter was not a criminal act, the government tribunal nevertheless ordered the Christian pastor to “cease publishing in newspapers, by email, on the radio, in public speeches, or on the internet, in future, disparaging remarks about gays and homosexuals.” Moreover, the tribunal’s decision “prohibited [Boisson] from making disparaging remarks in the future” about the activist who filed the complaint and witnesses who supported the complaint. Many of Canada’s religious leaders and civil libertarians have expressed concern that the government’s human rights tribunals are interpreting any criticism of homosexual activism as ‘disparaging’.
The tribunal also ordered Boisson to provide the complainant with a written apology for his letter to the editor. This last requirement threatens civil liberties in Canada, said Ezra Levant, a Jewish-Canadian author and lawyer. Levant, himself the target of an Alberta Human Rights Commission investigation, is facing the possibility the state may order him to apologize as well.
“Ed Stelmach’s ‘conservative’ government now believes that if it can’t convince a Christian pastor that he’s wrong, it will just order him to condemn himself?” Levant wrote on his blog. “Other than tribunals in Stalin’s Soviet Union and Mao’s China, where is this Orwellian ‘order’ considered to be justice?”
“This is like a Third World jail-house confession – where accused criminals are forced to sign false statements of guilt,” Levant wrote. “We don’t even ‘order’ murderers to apologize to their victims’ families. Because we know that a forced apology is meaningless. But not if your point is to degrade Christian pastors.”
Thank you for continuing to educate your readers about the horrible travesties of justice that are going on in my country. Everything having to do with the so-called Human Rights Commissions and Tribunals lately is a nightmare, simply a nightmare.
Not only is the Boisson decision very bad and frightening news for Christians, it should be a wake up call to ALL Canadians. We are all vulnerable to the ideological whims of the non-elected, quasi-legal “judges” of the HRCs/HRTs.
While Christians are being sued for stating their religious beliefs and concern for the well-being of children, one non-Christian religious group–affiliated with an abject anti-Semite–is trying to sue their way into an independent, privately owned magazine, and most recently one of its spokesmen has encouraged other Muslims to do the same to other independently, privately owned newspapers and magazines.
This group, the Canadian Islamic Congress, is blantantly and aggressively attacking the freedom of the press and the freedom to reject articles submitted for publication in the name of a religious group. I feel deeply sorry for ordinary Canadian Muslims who are embarrassed by the CIC, but I reject absolutely this interference by a “religious” group to force their opinions on all Canadians through erosion of our ancient rights.
Please check in @ for all the latest– via Binks, of The WebElf Report.
Unfortunately, I don’t believe it will be long before the US heads down this road as well. How sad to think that one day I may be forced to choose between my religous convictions and jail time and fines. I like to think I would refuse to pay the fines, refuse to issue an apology, and deal with the consequences.
Is there any indication of what Fr. Alphonse intends to do? This is a stark reminder that although freedom of speech is good, convenient, and even prudent policy for a government, it is ultimately unnecessary for a Christian, who must speak Truth even when outlawed.
I have a question to Canadian residents – is there any sort of organized opposition to these travesties of justice?
I agree it will not be long before we have similar probems in the United States. The general populus seems to be more interested in entertainment and buying stuff than the erosion of the constitution. I guess it is human nature not to be concerned until they start taking you and your own away but then it is too late.
All it will take is one governing body or court in the US to allow extradition to Canada for “hate crimes” and anyone professing a traditional belief in religion, marriage, etc. will be hauled to the Great (Facist) White North and tried for crimes before a “Human Rights Commission.”
The First Amendment clearly means nothing anymore, and it might be time to start organizing for another overthrow of tyranny.
Nero, Diocletian, Shapur II, Henry VIII, Calles, Red Terror, Soviet Atheists, Chinese Communists, HRCs
Is that a new verse of “We Didn’t Start the Fire”?
Everyone knows that the Bible condemns sins such as adultery and homosexuality as found in 1 Corinthians chapter 6, Romans Chapter 1 and so on. The human rights tribunal should read the Bible and then tell all Christians that they cant practise freedom of religion.
When we leave moral law up to men it fails for all men are flawed and fail. A history lesson is Nazi Germany thought it was good to persecute the Jews, now they are ashamed of that bit of history.
If Christian freedom of expression is taken away then make it fair, make it so homosexuals can not speak against a established religion in Canada: Christianity.
Oh we all know that anyone can slander Christians with no penalty. See its not fair.
Canada is changing but not for the better.
Christians have been living peacefully here for Centuries and now they are pictured as ‘hate mongers”. It wasnt too long ago that Elton John called for Christianity to be an illegal religion
so who is being a bigot here? Who is showing the hate? The true colors are started to show.
what I meant was be clear to Christians, dont hide the fact that you are taking freedom of religion away so we can start a barrage of law suits to regain our freedome of speech and religion.
Hello greetings to you in the name of our LORD
regarding me iam pastor M RAMESH KUMAR from INDIA , andhra pradesh state . i have been in his service for the last 15 years. JESUS PRAYER HOUSE is our ministries name which located in the slum poor of the town.Our vision and mision is to bring so many souls into CHRIST , in our region where the word is still unreached to the millions of the HEATHEN.Our gospel team with 50 co-workers has been flourishing the word of GOD.i have been adopted 25 orphan children for food and education . The widows and older people are also under care.
Hence my beloved brother in CHRIST, be pleased for my ministries needs and extend your helping hands by supporting my co-workers,orphans ,widows as well as the older people your always in our thoughts be pleased to reply soon . his LOVE be with you always in his VINEYARD.
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Hello greetings to you in the name of our LORD
regarding me iam pastor M RAMESH KUMAR from INDIA , andhra pradesh state . i have been in his service for the last 15 years. JESUS PRAYER HOUSE is our ministries name which located in the slum poor of the town.Our vision and mision is to bring so many souls into CHRIST , in our region where the word is still unreached to the millions of the HEATHEN.Our gospel team with 50 co-workers has been flourishing the word of GOD.i have been adopted 25 orphan children for food and education . The widows and older people are also under care.
Hence my beloved brother in CHRIST, be pleased for my ministries needs and extend your helping hands by supporting my co-workers,orphans ,widows as well as the older people your always in our thoughts be pleased to reply soon . his LOVE be with you always in his VINEYARD.
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Now, isn’t this nice how we ‘re going back to the good ol’ roman/nazi empire times?
Bigotry is bigotry. That it comes from Christianity in this case, is typical of Christianity’s disgusting intolerance and closed-mindedness. Nothing new here.
Hopefully, bigoted pastors will continue to be properly shut up concerning such topics.
I almost giggle at the irony in these comments – worshippers of a supernatural totalitarian dictator are making disparaging remarks about a historical one. Silly idiots. Get an education.