A NUN saved a burning man from death by jumping on him – then smothering the flames with her habit.
Brave Sister Donatella Ciucciumei, 51, saw the elderly man douse himself in petrol in a street in San Severino Marche, in Italy.
She ran towards the 71-year-old as he raised a lit match to his body.
And as he was engulfed in flames, she jumped on top of him, spreading her habit to douse the flames.
The nun was unhurt and the man is recovering after sustaining second degree burns to most of his body.
Sister Donatella has visited daily to offer him counselling. Police said he was depressed because his wife left him.
Good thing this wasn’t a modern nun that did this or else besides severe burns he would have melted polyester pantsuit coating him to boot.
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It just goes to show that when a person needs help, there is nun other to save him. Sister should be careful, though, as saving others can be habit-forming! 🙂
OK, lame puns aside, she did a truly wonderful thing not only in saving this man’s life, but in visiting him and trying to help him with his problems. Does this remind us of Anyone, her Master perhaps?
I gotta stop reading your blog because my computer is constantly covered in the coffee/tea/soda/milk that spews out my nose.
That polyester pant suit comment is funny! Ha ha. So is the nun pun Kristen.
Where’s the nearest ruler so I can rap your knuckles?
God bless her. I never could’ve done that.
Yes, I know this is a light-hearted blog, so I apologize for interjecting a very serious comment, but there is another brave Catholic who deserves our prayers: Navy SEAL Petty Officer Michael Monsoor. He threw himself on a grenade in Iraq in 2006, thus saving the lives of his buddies and was awarded the Medal of Honor today.
According to a post at Black Five:
“Michael was a Christian man, raised in the Catholic Church and was often seen attending Mass before leaving the FOB on operations. His parents named him after the Archangel Michael-the great protector whose mission was to protect the world from the satanic forces of evil. Saint Michael’s Day is celebrated on September 29, the day Mike gave his life for his friends.”
May he be with the angels today. And may St. Michael watch over all our troops who are in harm’s way.
*cackles at Jeffs remarks* — but seriously, what an awesome act of kindness by this nun! God is good.
I have to say I haven’t seen a sister in polyester clothing in about twenty years. I do know that many religious buy second-hand clothing at thrift stores when they need secular garb.
I do still see clergy wear cheap polyester vestments, though not so much these days.
Todd, I don’t know where you are, but it must not be on earth, because it has been the opposite for me. I see polyester habits and vestments all the time (that is if the nun is even wearing a habit and the priest is even wearing vestments). You must be in some Garden of Eden and I want to come where you are. 🙂
That is a wonderful story about the nun and an awesome story about the SEAL. 😀
If the brave sister really wants to “help him heal” in “NewChurch”, she should encourage his “female partner” to divorce him so they can act, together(cooperation being very healing as we all know) to nullify their, obviously invalid marriage since he is so gravely mentally impaired ( as “proven” by the depraved, and environmentally selfish pollution of the atmosphere with the greenhouse gases from his bubbling flesh and the fuel ) that any American Tribunal will, in short order, determine that their “putative” union was never a “Communion of Life”, declare this passing ship in the night of a liason, null, and free these suffering poor souls to enter new relationships until they, finally, as the Church helps them, through any future annulments they may deserve, find their lifetime soulmate.
Sorry, any Italian Tribunal, not American. I should have know, American nuns usually wear much more abbreviated habits and would more likely encourage the man to drop and roll himself to begin his own efforts at healing his self esteem.
Donna, I was reading about Navy SEAL Petty Officer Monsoor and was just stunned. What sacrifice.
This is also a great story. God bless that nun. Cute comment about the polyester pantsuit. Hilarious.
The Flying Nun, do you think? If there were any witnesses to her heroic act, they must have been wondering. Imagine, you’re just rounding the corner, when suddenly a nun leaps out of nowhere…Great deed. Funny image.
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