Caption Contest Caption Contest by Jeffrey Miller April 16, 2008 written by Jeffrey Miller April 16, 2008 So do you have any popcorn? The White House is a quaint little place, you should check out my digs next time you’re in Rome. With Pope Benedict XVI with President George W. Bush together liberals throughout the world are feeling a disturbance in the force. 13 comments 0 FacebookTwitterGoogle +Pinterest Jeffrey Miller previous post Reverse confession next post A Democracy without values can lose its very soul You may also like Caption Contest May 9, 2007 Caption Contest November 23, 2007 Caption Contest April 14, 2007 Papal Power January 27, 2007 Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than... September 9, 2007 Putin on the Ritz March 13, 2007 Caption Contest August 3, 2009 Caption Contest April 18, 2008 Wow January 1, 2008 Caption Contest October 4, 2012 13 comments John J. Simmins April 16, 2008 - 12:52 pm “This is my favorite episode of ‘The Office'” Joseph April 16, 2008 - 1:08 pm The trick was getting the electric massage chairs in the White House without Laura knowing… relaxing ain’t it? TimC April 16, 2008 - 2:30 pm BXI: Did you know zat Werner Klemperer was actually a German Jew and an accomplished concert violinist. GWB: Yeah, that Colonel Klink always cracks me up! TV: Hooo-gaaann! TSO April 16, 2008 - 4:54 pm “Uh, your Eminence, does EWTN ever shown any sports?” NotAnExpert April 16, 2008 - 5:32 pm “Mein gott, the Pole vas right! He IS ein idiot!” Susan April 16, 2008 - 7:44 pm Dibs on the remote. Foxfier April 16, 2008 - 7:47 pm Zis “Maher” iz American entertainment? I think the Holy Father may have finally found someone he can relax around. Mack in Kirbyville April 16, 2008 - 9:01 pm “Simon Peter says ‘Hands on knees!'” Veronica April 16, 2008 - 9:44 pm Race you to the Good and Plenty! LarryD April 16, 2008 - 11:34 pm “Give ’em a couple more minutes to get the Guitar Hero hooked up, Your Holiness. It rocks!” p April 17, 2008 - 1:15 am Who ever thought the world’s stupidest man and smartest man would be such good buddies? Foxfier April 17, 2008 - 2:01 am I’m at loss; what is it about seeing President Bush that REQUIRES folks insult his brains? Try flying a jet some time. Ain’t easy. TSO April 17, 2008 - 9:26 am I like Mac & Joseph’s captions best… & Foxfier makes a good point. Comments are closed.
“This is my favorite episode of ‘The Office'”
The trick was getting the electric massage chairs in the White House without Laura knowing… relaxing ain’t it?
BXI: Did you know zat Werner Klemperer was actually a German Jew and an accomplished concert violinist.
GWB: Yeah, that Colonel Klink always cracks me up!
TV: Hooo-gaaann!
“Uh, your Eminence, does EWTN ever shown any sports?”
“Mein gott, the Pole vas right! He IS ein idiot!”
Dibs on the remote.
Zis “Maher” iz American entertainment?
I think the Holy Father may have finally found someone he can relax around.
“Simon Peter says ‘Hands on knees!'”
Race you to the Good and Plenty!
“Give ’em a couple more minutes to get the Guitar Hero hooked up, Your Holiness. It rocks!”
Who ever thought the world’s stupidest man and smartest man would be such good buddies?
I’m at loss; what is it about seeing President Bush that REQUIRES folks insult his brains?
Try flying a jet some time. Ain’t easy.
I like Mac & Joseph’s captions best… & Foxfier makes a good point.
Comments are closed.