Inside Catholic produced the above
video and as you would expect
pro-abortion types on YouTube totally miss the message and decide that
pro-lifers are saying that women are just boxes.
HELLO! I am a PERSON, not a fuggin’
Good God, the anti-abortion
people really don’t think women are actual people, do they? In their
view, women are either things whose only use is to incubate babies or
too stupid to make their own decisions.
InsideCatholic has other examples of these laughable arguments from people who don’t seem to understand what
a metaphor is.
Though I can’t say I am exactly
surprised that the moral argument that you shouldn’t act on a doubtful
conscience would miss it’s mark in pro-abortion quarters.
I think they may have grasped what metaphors are, but they’ve certainly misunderstood it, that’s for sure.
‘Wouldn’t you treat the box as if it held a baby, just in case?’ makes no sense if – like the irate commenters on YouTube – you’re determined to identify the box with the mother.
I know, that’s implying that the unborn child contains a baby, but discussions of personhood and ensoulment would rather blunt the message, I suspect.
I’m going to play Devil’s Advocate here for a minute and suggest that, however valid the moral argument is, the analogy is really poor. While it can’t be argued that the point of the argument is that women are boxes, the thought occurred to me upon seeing the video, even though I’m pro-life. My initial reaction was how unfortunate a comparison they used. Not to mention, how exactly would you treat a box with a baby in it?
As with so many pro-life campaigns, it’s a brilliant idea that’s been terribly executed. Aren’t there any pro-life marketing majors out there?
In their view, women are either things whose only use is to incubate babies or too stupid to make their own decisions.
Funny – especially that last part, since most liberals I know think it’s a travesty when a woman “goes off the farm” and is conservative, Catholic/Christian, or a stay at home mother.
The ones who think women are “too stupid to make their own decisions” are liberals. If they didn’t think that, they wouldn’t freak out about ultrasounds and full disclosure of information before abortion…because such things decrease the abortion rate dramatically, after a woman CHOOSES not to have an abortion.
They have absolutely no sense of…well, anything save their own self-centeredness.
Question for the comboxer: if you’re a person, what exactly is that very human-looking being in the ultrasound? A figment of our imaginations?
they just do not wish to acknowledge that the breathing and kicking baby in the womb is just a human. They have managed to freeze the conscience that defines the soul of their humanity.
Heck, the pro-choice unsurprisingly even attempt to defy logic. Apparently, they have yet to acknowledge that if they themselves are victims of the devilish method that they themselves advocate, they wouldn’t be here today pushing for the murder of children. (ooops, i mean little lumps of tissue.)
Denial is an amazing thing.
Happy Thanksgiving!
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Recusants speak!
interesting that the one who says she is not a “fuggin’ box,” by denying nature wishes to define herself as nothing more than a “fuggin’ box” – (‘box’ being an old slang term)
I rather like the video, and I didn’t feel that it was an unfortunate comparison, though the womb-box metaphor is an age-old one. I also liked the fact that before the boxes were folded they were cross-shaped. Nice. After a while, these things are intentionally misunderstood. I have a hard time believing that the pro-choicers are all that stupid. Some, yes, but not as many as selectively exercise their interpretive faculties!!