Here are the top five surprising results to Summorum Pontificum:
- Progressive liturgists and others are now finally concerned that priests properly know and use the rubrics. At least for the extraordinary form of Mass in the Latin Rite.
- A new concern for the number of people attending Mass. Declining numbers at experimental liturgy did not invoke a similar concern.
- That priests more than adequately know Latin. At least if they want to be allowed to celebrate the 1962 missal.
- The word "extraordinary" is finally coming to a proper understanding of what it means. Now if only they can learn to take the same view towards Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.
- Some bishops are now much more concerned about how liturgy is celebrated in their diocese and even want to test their priests capability in this regard. Maybe even one day the same concern will be applied to the ordinary form of the Mass.
“Progressive liturgists and others are now finally concerned that priests properly know and use the rubrics. At least for the extraordinary form of Mass in the Latin Rite.”
Ah, interesting point that totally passed me by. Such a strict regard for the rubrics for priests doing a TLM but not for the NO where abuses are massive. Double standard.
Amazing what crawls out when there is evidence of thawing of the always-winter-never-Christmas. Let the springtime begin!
“The word “extraordinary” is finally coming to a proper understanding of what it means…”
I never did like the reference to the Old Mass as “the extraordinary form.” The term was merely generic in its original context, and I always knew its use would bite its proponents on the @$$ in short order.
Not that that would stop anyone though. We still need something to complain about.
Extraordinary: Does this mean “extra-Ordinary” (i.e., the unordained) or “extra-ordinary” (i.e., uncommon)?
Of course, many Bishops blandly state that “pro-choice” politicians should “search their conscience” before approaching Communion; but many of these same Bishops insist the priests wishing to celebrate the TLM should run a gauntlet of hostile bureaucracy and do so to their exacting standards. No word if these Bishops will impose on the offending priests literacy tests and/or a “poll tax.”