Mulier Fortis tagged me with this unique meme.
If you could invite your five favorite saints to dinner, what would you serve them to eat, and why?
You do have to be rather careful what you would make a saint for dinner to avoid a faux pas. For example Bar-B-Que is not a good idea for St. Laurence, but then again he does have a great sense of humor. Or you would not want to serve chicken breasts to St. Agatha. Asking St. Joan of Arc if she wants a steak is another one. French speakers might have a problem with English homophones. Plus you would never want to serve chocolates to Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity. She had the same illness as JFK, only it wasn’t treatable then, and as her illness progressed she ended up having to eat lots of chocolates because that was all her stomach allowed. Eating chocolate in Carmel is quite mortifying for proper Carmelties. And of course serving wine with dinner to Venerable Matt Talbot is not a good idea.
- I am not sure what to serve to St. Teresa of Avila considering her stomach ailment, but I would have something for heartburn around in case she had another Transverberation of her heart.
- St. Thomas Aquinas is rather easy to cook for. Judging by his girth, just about anything would be fine.
- St. John of the Cross would also be easy to cook for. Beef stock or any other very simple meal would be right up his alley. (Or would that be St. Simon Beef Stock for Carmelites.) You couldn’t take John to MacDonald’s because then you would have to explain fast food, and I don’t think he will get “fast” being associated to eating without wasting too much time better spent otherwise.
- St. Catherine of Siena would also be easy to cook for. When you are the 23rd of 25 children your happy just to get something to eat. Though I hope she wouldn’t bring her incorrupt head along.
- With St. Elijah you wouldn’t want to cook anything with flour since he spent a year eating just bread with that one widow. Though you might ask him if he could perform the same miracle on your refrigerator. Talk about saving on food bills.
You know what to serve St Theresa. Remember, “There is a time for penance, and a time for partridge.”
St. Lawrence – anything on the grill is fine
Sts. Michael, Gabriel,& Raphael – angel hair pasta w/angel food cake for dessert
Moses – anything BUT bread & quail (40 years of that was plenty!)
“Fou Pas” -is that chinese french? Isnt it faux pas?
St Brigid would be easy to serve!