From Ed Peters:
No doubt you’ve heard about the crazy man who tried to jump on the popemobile today. Nobody hurt, Deo gratias, but it caused a Vatican spokesman to meet the press with little time to prepare his remarks: … Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi, Vatican spokesman, refused to release the man’s name but said he was in a Rome psychiatric facility by 2:30 p.m., about four hours after being tackled to the ground by Vatican police. "The young man’s intention was not to make an attempt on the life of the pope, but to carry out a demonstrative act to attract attention to himself," Father Lombardi said. Because the young man was "showing clear signs of mental imbalance, psychiatric doctors from the Vatican health service were called, and they arranged hospitalization for obligatory treatment in a protected, specialized health facility…The case is, therefore, considered closed," Father Lombardi said.
A short time later, Pope Benedict XVI clarified Fr. Lombardia’s remarks.
“Like heck the case is closed!” His Holiness stated, “Some lunatic tries to jump on my car in broad daylight, and my people say the case is closed?! I don’t think so. You can see the whole thing on the tape, for crying outloud.”
The pope went on to observe that it is not unusual for him to clarify the statements of his press representatives after they talk to the media in an informal manner. “There is nothing unusual about that,” said the pope, “I have to do it all the time. It comes with the territory.”
�Like heck the case is closed!� His Holiness stated, �Some lunatic tries to jump on my car in broad daylight, and my people say the case is closed?! I don�t think so. You can see the whole thing on the tape, for crying outloud.�
Huh? Is this a joke?
Thank all Heaven (sincerely meant) for the Swiss guards and St. Michael! (Who else would be watching the Holy Father?) Maybe that’s the one good thing about narcisists, they’re too preoccupied to notice anyone else.
Caption contest time: “American liturgist takes drastic measures to prevent release of impending motu proprio.”
^ its called “active participation” in the liturgy of the piazza.
Yes, Panda Rosa-thank Heaven for Saint Michael and the Swiss Guards! This guy was definitely out of his mind to do what he did!
But I also like the ‘remarks’ that Papa COULD have said, Jeff! As always you have a way with words!
on a ligher note…
Kinda thought so, but I don’t know Ed Peters and well, these news spoofs do throw me off!
Question: I don’t know if I saw the entire video footage of Mr. Kangaroo man, but what I do remember was seeing the police on top of the guy after he was yanked off the vehicle; and I believe I also saw a swiss army guard in the general area. He had his hands closed together looking at the police, then looking at the pope, and then again at the police, and then at the pope. First off, where the heck were the swiss guards with their fancy shmancy karate kicks to the guys face? Secondly, is it true that the swiss guards need to keep their hands closed together at all times? On a more important note, thank the Lord B16 was not hurt in the ordeal!