The average age of a nun is 69, but some nuns represent a new generation of women who are signing on to this radical new lifestyle. They are searching for meaning in what many describe as troubled times.
Their days are spent praying.
Roman Catholic convents around the country say they are experiencing a surge in sisterhood, so to speak.
More and more young women are looking for an alternative lifestyle.
It seems I have been seeing more and more stories on nuns lately where they call the contemplative life an "alternative lifestyle" and later in the article they repeat something else I have seen before that it is because of " troubled times."
It’s not something you see every day — a group of nuns getting out of the back of a pickup truck wearing habits and sunglasses.
On this day, they allowed 3TV inside their world, which revolves around prayer.
They are called the Desert Nuns and they are five women who came from Alabama.
Two years ago, they came to the Valley and were on a mission.
They are cloistered nuns, meaning they are shut away from the outside world.
Right now they are living in a makeshift monastery located on a remote hilltop about an hour north of the Valley.
"When we were up here, there were terrible fires," one of the nuns said. "One of our sisters was bitten by a rattlesnake. We are not exempt just because we are called to be spouses of Christ."
… Many people cover their faces in prayer and then as her parents look on, McDonald comes forward, kneels and is ready for the moment that signals her break from the outside world.
Her veil is removed and her hair is cut off.
She is fitted with her habit. It’s both a joyful and emotional moment for her parents. Because she’s becoming a cloistered nun, they will only be able to see her twice a year.
"I think some people feel sorry for us … as if we are forced in to this life or better yet we’ve been brainwashed," she said. "I’d like to see anybody try to brainwash one of these Desert Nuns."
The article is overall quite positive about this group of nuns from Mother Angelica’s order starting a new foundation.
There are some very nice pictures of the Sister’s investiture on their website.
Let’s hear it for the counter-cultural revolution! 😀
I heard it from a very important Superior General, that many of these vocations in women are women who are fed up with the world and are overwelhmed, rather conpenetrated of the religious life and love of God.
But the Nuns from Mother Angelica are authenthic vocations, which is confirmed by that Superior General.