James Higgins, 7, has been attending daily Mass since he was 3. His parents, Stephen and Lauren, never have to drag him out of bed or away from playthings, either.
“I have it in my heart to go,” said James, decked out in a blue sweat suit, a Red Sox jacket and cap.
He said he’s undecided between a career with the Red Sox or as the first American pope. But given this boy’s encyclopedic knowledge of the church, the safe money is on the Vatican job.
Read the whole thing via Father Stephanos, O.S.B.
If only more 7-year-olds were interested in Mass and the Church like him!
I think the Red Sox should draft him before the Church intervenes with a better contract offer.
Isn’t there an old saying that “He who goes in as a Red Sox comes out a Cardinal” or something like that?
Being the Braves fan that I am, I am rooting for him to be pope.
For the adoration of the Cross on Good Friday last year, the pope revealed he’s into the “White Sox”
How does a Catholic baseball player cope with “Thou shalt not steal”?
Seriously, an inspiring story.
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