Previously dissident theologian Daniel Maquire sent two pamphlets to all of the Catholic Bishops in the United States titled "The Moderate Roman Catholic Position on Contraception" and "Abortion and the other A Catholic Defense of Same-Sex Marriage." In a very positive development a statement has been published by the Committee on Doctrine of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).
These pamphlets do not present Catholic teaching. His views about contraception, abortion, same sex "marriage", as well as the very nature of Church teaching and its authoritative character, cross the legitimate lines of theological reflection and simply enter into the area of false teaching. Such mistaken views should not be confused with the faith and moral teaching of the Catholic Church. Since it is apparent that considerable efforts have been made to give these views the widest possible distribution as if they were a valid alternative to the teaching of the Catholic Church, the Committee on Doctrine of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops considers it important to offer a public correction of the erroneous views proposed in these pamphlets. At the same time, the Committee on Doctrine calls attention to the Catechism of the Catholic Church where correct and authentic teaching can be found. This readily available source of the faith and moral teaching of the Catholic Church clearly demonstrates the mistaken character of the positions found in the two pamphlets and their unreliability as a guide for Catholics seeking to know and live their Catholic faith.
They then go on to give a critique of the pamphlets and end with:
The Archbishop of Milwaukee, exercising his pastoral responsibilities as teacher and shepherd, has made public statements affirming that the views expressed by Professor Maguire in his two pamphlets are erroneous and incompatible with the Church’s teaching.[24] We the Committee on Doctrine of the USCCB concur that, despite his claims to authority as a Catholic theologian, the views of Professor Maguire on contraception, abortion, and same-sex "marriage" are not those of the Catholic Church and indeed are contrary to the Church’s faith. We deplore as irresponsible his public advocacy of his views as authentic Catholic teaching. Lastly, we trust that this statement will clarify the Church’s faith and teaching for all of the Catholic faithful throughout the United States.
So bravo to Archbishop Dolan (who is Maquire’s bishop) and members of the committee for saying what needed to be said.
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OK, as always, personnel is policy. Who do we have here: Lori, Blair, Clark, Gomez, McManus, Serratelli, Vigneron, Wuerl, and their ‘consultants’ Cardinal Dulles and Cardinal George.
OK, by my head count, we’ve got a solid majority for the Sensible Party: Lori, Serratelli, Vigneron, Wuerl, plus Dulles and George. Blair, Clark, Gomez, and McManus may be in the Sensible Party, but I’m not familiar with them.
Now imagine had this committee been controlled by the Silly Party — Mahony, Trautperson, Brown et al. Would there have been any “statement” at all? Didn’t think so.
As you can see, this statement is significant in several ways.
McManus is my bishop. Believe me, he’s in the Sensible Party. It’s pretty much him and O’Malley vs. The Great Liberal Tide up here in MA.
Gomez is a card-carrying member of the Sensible Party.
Dan Maguire already isn’t Catholic in any meaningful sense of that word, and he’s canny enough to have gotten tenure before he started public blathering — over thirty years ago already. Also canny enough not to do anything that would trigger the “moral turpitude” clause that would let the university pull his tenure. And, he made a public point of refusing to seek a mandate before the now-retired Archbishop had a chance to deny him one.
He’s been known to be tenured bad news since the mid-1970s, not even theology majors or grad students are required to sit classes with him. (I know because I was one, 1974-1980) What more can be done; unless he kanoodles with an undergrad in Boston Store’s window?
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