Before I become the last blogger in St. Blogs to post on Sacramentum Caritatis here is the link to the English translation. I am still in the process of reading it, though I just got to the part about executing liturgists. Gerald at The Cafeteria is Closed is blogging up a storm on the document and of course Amy Welborn has the normal excellent coverage.
Michael Barber has started his examination of the document along with direct links to specific parts of the document.
Fr. John Zuhlsdorf has his initial observations which are well worth reading.
Update: Dad29 notices that I must have had a translation error in my document. I wish that I could have read the original Latin to see that it said "executing liturgeists", not "executing liturgists." I once wrote a handy guide for "Signs of inhabitation by a Liturgeist."
Please, be careful.
“Executing liturGEISTS” is the translation I have.
“Liturgists” are a distinct group. Most of them are redeemable.
At the same time, Dad, I can think of a significant number of liturgists (by name, even) for whom execution might be warranted….
…I’m just so convinced that I would have had such fun having lived five-hundred years ago….it’s no wonder the nuns are all afraid I’ll start a revolution at some point, but still, a few rolling heads today might teach people not to tinker with heavenly things tomorrow–especially not in the name of dumbing things down for the masses.
In His Grace, miki
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