This site has an interesting series of maps based on percentages of religious adherents in the United States.
Mapping faiths
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This site has an interesting series of maps based on percentages of religious adherents in the United States.
The site takes terribly long to load, and I’m on a fast connection. Is anyone else having trouble with it?
I didn’t have any problem viewing it. And it was very interesting. Shame on us – Catholics make up majorities in the “liberal” states. Of course those who identify themselves as Catholics, and those who practice Catholicism are often apples and oranges.
Nan, you answered the question I had as soon as I saw the maps. First I thought, “Wow. There are more Catholics than I thought.” Then I asked, “If we have this many Catholics, how come our policies are still anti-life?” Oh. Ouch from a “blue state.”
saw this a while back on Kathy Shadle’s site I think. Idaho has alot of white. Either we aren’t much into religion here, or more likely we don’t respond to censuses.
It’s very sad to see that the highly Catholic states also correspond almost exactly to the pro-abortion states.
For those mentioning how the liberal states seem to correspond to the Catholic ones:
In at least some cases, such as here in Ca, many of the practicing Catholics are immigrants, and so don’t get a vote.
Fascinating! I always say I was born in the “Catholic Heartland” and the map proves it! I’m from one of the three counties on the northern border of Kansas with +75% Catholics!