From Diogenes:
Columnist Ellen Goodman goes searching for "Abortion’s Elusive Middle Ground," and finds– now get ready for a shock– that the "moderate" position is the one she occupies.
On one side, to her right, you’ll find the "extremists" who oppose abortion. And on the other side? Well now here’s the funny thing: Goodman doesn’t identify the other extreme position. You might be tempted to think that she can’t find anyone far to her left because the territory to the left of her is so very sparsely occupied. But that can’t possibly be right, can it, because she’s in the middle; she’s just told us that. All very confusing.
I guess she would hold that King Solomon took a moderate position when he said he would cut the baby in half. Though I guess once again a moderate position does indeed cut the baby and half or other fractions under the cover of choice. She then goes on to talk about the appointment of Dr. Eric J. Keroack as the new head of the new head of the Office of Population Affairs.
His appointment has produced a furor that has yet to diminish.
Funny I detected applause not a furor at his appointment – but then again I am not a "moderate" on abortion whatever that may be. Funny how a moderate can only find a Planned Parenthood spokesman to quote in their articles.
It’s not an accident that one of the first bills in the Senate with a new Democratic majority was the Prevention First Act, a wide-ranging family planning initiative. Representative Louise Slaughter of New York will follow next week with a similar bill described in one mouthful as a "bipartisan, bicameral, pro choice, pro life innovative approach to reducing unintended pregnancies." Then Representatives Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut and Tim Ryan of Ohio , a pro choice-pro life duo, will reintroduce an omnibus family planning and support bill with the lumbering title, "The Reducing the Need for Abortions and Supporting Parents Act."
If only all politicians like Louise Slaughter had names to match their pro-abortion advocacy. Rep. Dice Emm and Sen. Sly Some. Once again the question is why do we have to reduce abortion if there is nothing wrong with it in the first place? If Ellen Goodman really thought abortion was not morally wrong then why care about unintended pregnancies if getting an abortion is like taking a Tylenol for a headache?
Not when the president has handed the deed for common ground to the Count of Oxytocin.
Her parting shot against the good Doctor goes way over my head. Oxytocin, as far as I know, is used to induce labor or with partial birth abortions. So exactly how does a pro-life doctor become the Count of it? I only wish he was because we could Count on him not to dispense in to induce labor for abortions.
He made a comment that went way over her head about promiscuity. I dont understand why the left (oh im sorry.. the moderates) has such a hard time just being honest about the debate (even if they dont agree with us “right wing extremeists”).
His unique “scientific explanation” of why multiple sex partners are bad has to do with, uh, oxytocin. “People who have misused their sexual faculty and become bonded to multiple persons will diminish the power of oxytocin to maintain a permanent bond with an individual.” More sex leads to less bonding? This ranks with old-time warnings that you-know-what leads to warts.
I just looked up Oxytocin on wikipedia and my comment was refused as spam so I can’t post the url. However, Oxytocin is a normally occurring hormone in both men and women that does have to do with bonding.
GKC had this pegged:
If those called free-thinkers are sentimentalists, those called free-lovers are open and obvious sentimentalists. We can always convict such people of sentimentalism by their weakness for euphemism. The phrase they use is always softened and suited for journalistic appeals. They talk of free love when they mean something quite different, better defined as free lust. But being sentimentalists they feel bound to simper and coo over the word “love.” They insist on talking about Birth Control when they mean less birth and no control. We could smash them to atoms, if we could be as indecent in our language as they are immoral in their conclusions.
[GKC, The Thing CW3:170, emphasis added]
Abortion is moderate?
That’s a new one..
I’m not at all sure Miss Goodman is happy with the illustration that graced her rather odd column. It depicted a pregnant woman with an unmistakable BABY in the womb.
Wonder how that got by the Globe censors.