(Washington D.C.) Roto Reuters – Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has suffered a concussion as a result of her crashing through the marble ceiling yesterday. She still shows signs of confusion in that she thinks she can be both Catholic and pro-abortion, though this is probably a pre-existing condition.
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Props to the guys with the signs.
There should have been many, many more guys with signs, and our bishops should have been among them. Pelosi has decided to reinvent herself as a “conservative Catholic” (her very words), and she has quite evidently gotten away with it. It’s all “for the children,” you know.
All I can say is, hee hee, serves her right!
Yea hats off to the guys with the signs.
And shame on the bishop for allowing her to receive.
The Bishop should at least speak to her privately..and advise her not to try to receive again. He must make it clear what the Church teaches; otherwise others will use this as an excuse to “reinvent” themselves as Catholics, ignoring inconvenient teachings.
You know, there is more to morality than just opposing abortion. Instead of bitching at Pelosi for supporting abortion,you could praise her efforts to implement Leo 13’s ( Ithink it was the 13th) 1891 encyclelical on the living wage/decent living standards.
Personally, I think we should ban abortion, and, at the same time, force the catholic church to adopt and raise all unwanted children. I bet you the church would drop its opposition to abortion faster than a priest’s pants at an altar boy convention 🙂
Actually, Hoodlum, cynical leftists have a much higher rate of statutory rape than Catholic priests. I can refer you to a Freudian psychoanalyst if these latent fantasies keep recurring.
Personally, I think we should ban abortion, and, at the same time, force the catholic church to adopt and raise all unwanted children. I bet you the church would drop its opposition to abortion faster than a priest’s pants at an altar boy convention 🙂
No the Church wouldn’t drop it because abortion would still be objectively wrong (by even non-religious arguments btw) no matter how inconvenient that truth is.
By the way,hoodlum, just who do you think operates the greatest number of social agencies (next to the government) to care for, heal, adopt and educate children, wanted or unwanted?(Not to mention all the services offered to their mothers who chose life for them.)
Answer: the Catholic Church.
I was a social worker with Catholic Charities. I know personally how much the Church cares for unwanted children.
Conservative Catholic? She cannot even call herself a liberal Catholic or any other kind of Catholic so long as she supports baby murder. Maybe the sign should read:
“You’re a mother and a grandmother who may suffer eternal torment in Hell”
As far as her stance on labor is concerned, do you know she will not allow her own employees at the resorts she owns to unionize? All the better to exploit you with, my dear. How about the fact that membership at her private golf club costs $25K? It’s for the little people, after all. Or how about the fact she develops land blatantly flaunting laws to protect endangered species? If the lives of the unborn (6,000 plus a day) are no big deal for you, then maybe you could stand to shed a tear for the salamanders.
I love how pro-aborts drag out Leo 13 every time they need to convince themselves the abortion holocaust is no big deal. I can see these people on Judgment Day:
God: You stood by doing nothing to prevent the senseless slaughter of millions of my little children who were completely innocent. You even enabled others to support abortion by relegating this unspeakable atrocity as a mere tertiary issue.
Pelosi: Well, you see, I am more of a social justice type of believer and–
God: Protecting the innocent from murder is not social justice?
Pelosi: Well, yes, it is, but I wanted focus on more … well … practical issues.
God: Don’t mean “popular”? The fact is, you loved yourself more than you loved me.
Pelosi: No, that’s not true! I was a passionate believer!
God: Passionate about yourself. You were more concerned with wearing a trendy political label than you were with seeing me in the eyes of the of the least. You were more concerned with being liked by your friends than you were with standing up for what is right.
Pelosi: Lord! Lord –!
God: Yeah, yeah heard it before. Look, WHOEVER YOU ARE — I DO NOT KNOW YOU. Begone from my sight!
When she gave her speech she probably said the word “power” fifty times. I haven’t seen someone this giddy with power since Skeletor snuck into Castle Greyskull.
“I am the most powerful woman in America!!”
Cue the thunder and lightning and maniacal laugh.
It’s like Brainiac is going to pop out of her chest or something.
All in all, she seems excessively delusional. She seems to believe her words are like Simon’s magical chalk and that whatever she can think of saying becomes true (conservative Catholic, most powerful woman). This is the most deadly trap the famous fall into: believing their own hype.
And yes, I am all over the board with these pop and retro culture references.
“the same time, force the catholic church to adopt and raise all unwanted children.”
I know a great number of pro-life counselors outside abortion mills who have lists of names and numbers of people willing to adopt and raise each baby that ends up being killed by “choice”. Our respect for life group spends over 90% of our resources helping pregnant women to give birth to the babies instead of killing them. These women and babies are NOT abandoned. That is one of many big lies from the pro-aborts who could not argue their point on the merits or reality!
The signs behind Pelosi were made by Defend Life.
I should point out that the “You Can’t Be Catholic and Pro-Abortion” signs are produced by Judie Brown and the American Life League.
and the … what?
Oh no! They got PMcGrath!
Given the amount of children God ordered to death in the New Testament, and personally aborts through spontanious (sp?) abortion, he has little room to lecture Pelosi, particularly since Jesus spent more time on social justice than the abortion issue.
And if all these Catholics are waiting to adopt kids, why are they not adopting the kids languishing in foster care today? Ohh, thats right, those kids are old, like 4-7, and not the cute infants they want as accessories.
As far as I know the kids in foster care are not in danger of death or it is legal to chop them to pieces. Don’t change the subject.
Hyprocrisy is bad enough in private, but to be so blatant and public about it…
Most children in foster care can’t be adopted – their parent/parents have not given them up legally.
If Hoodlum keeps this up, he really should be banned from this site. I am sick of his disgusting and stupid comments. Please everyone, let’s do a novena or SOMETHING for Hoodlum! I don’t mean to be rude or uncharitable. Hoodlum, please stop these immature comments. Good and wholesome discussion is fine, but doing so in a way that is mocking is just plain rude and immature. I will pray for you! God Bless!
God personally performing abortions via miscarriage? Is hoodlum privy to God’s actions in a way no one else on this Earth is? Oh wait a minute, is that an admission of God’s existence?! Whoopee!
Pathetic Victim Hoodlum said: “Given the amount of children God ordered to death in the New Testament”
Precious. You of course have lots of quotes on the numbers of children “God ordered to death” in the NT?
Does it hurt to think, Hoodlum? Not only can you barely put together a coherent thought, but most of them are comprised of random ideas that have no basis in reality whatsoever.
You know the process called “thinking” involves more than just consulting a random word generator, right? The word for today is “cogent.” It means “Appealing to the intellect or powers of reasoning; convincing.”
You see, you do the opposite of convince because whenever you try to assemble ideas, you never bother to check any of your facts so not only do you come across as a ranting Pathetic Victim, but you also look hopelessly uninformed thus sabotaging any reason you would have for wasting oxygen in the first place.
(I apologize if I appear presumptuous. There probably is no reason to assume you consume oxygen.)
That is precisely why I find it so odd that you labor under the delusion you are a blogger. So few people visit your site that you have to troll around trying to bait people into visiting your site so they can marvel at the IQ vortex sucking coherent rationality from your mind like the accretion disk of stellar matter on the edge of a black hole.
Every single word is a blazing signal flare telling the world “I am utterly ignorant!”
But you could spend all day clumping those head words into piles (ie, “write”) and still get fewer hits than any of the blogs you troll.
This is your idea, so that is the first hint that it is a bad one. I am going to say that trolling for visitors is not a recipe for blog success. No one is interested in the opinion of a giant spoiled toddler regardless of your views.
Hoodlum, maybe I should introduce you to my Catholic and Evangelical friends who have adopted children out of the foster care system. It might help cure you of your persistent prejudices.
Of course, that’s only if you were intellectually honest, which doesn’t seem to be the case.
Funny, I thought it was the jealous Herod who ordered the deaths of the baby boys in the NT.
For shame Hoodlum. If you took all that energy you spent trying to hold Catholic’s feet to the fire, and used it towards the glory of God you’d probably be able to walk on water.
Rechannel your efforts, you might surprise yourself.
Amen, Nighthaven.