Link Caption by Jeffrey Miller December 3, 2006 written by Jeffrey Miller December 3, 2006 Thomas has an especially funny caption for his PPOTD. 0 comment 0 FacebookTwitterGoogle +Pinterest Jeffrey Miller previous post Advent Graphic next post GodzDogz You may also like Welcome Home June 2, 2006 Another Day another Fisk May 25, 2004 Doctrinal Differences December 7, 2009 "We have to know the truth" May 3, 2006 OFWAIH… January 22, 2014 Poland is now "thrilled" May 27, 2008 Save the Strawmen October 8, 2008 Alien mind control in the Philippines? June 18, 2006 Bizarro Jesus? April 24, 2003 One Man's Hero November 7, 2003