CHICAGO (Reuters) – Children should be exposed to fewer television ads for anti-impotence drugs and more for birth control, and need to be shielded from an advertising onslaught in general, the leading U.S. pediatricians’ group said on Monday.
[Via Zorak]
I guess next they will demand a Fairness Doctrine for broadcasters that for every ED ad one two on birth control will be displayed. If reality intruded there should be more ads on STDs and treatment centers for the psychological effects due to permissive sex.
Even odder though this is from the The American Academy of Pediatrics. Talk about people who don’t understand their own bottom line. What other group works to eliminate potential customers.
Does anyone ever think of what the term ED does to boys named Ed?
(Yes, I have a boy named Ed … and he’s only twelve but I think the general smirking that goes on when a Cialis ad comes on TV gives him something of on idea that his name has now become synonymous with somthing really…grim)
Of course there’s no talk of airtime for abstinence awareness, like there was for condoms back in the 80s. I suppose they’d be willing to compromise and teach chastity to children, but phase it out when they reach an age where kids start facing challenges to abstinence. Can’t have unrealistic expectations, right?
What other group works to eliminate potential customers
Off the top of my head, Planned Parenthood and Big Tobacco. I’m sure the AAP would relish being associated with these guys.
The Rule of Noncontradiction fails to register with these liberal sophisticates.
Physicians = Political Correctness (or you get kicked outta the club)
That must be one of the stupidest comments I have ever heard.
what other group works to eliminate their customers?
The National Education Association (teacher’s union). They are very supportive of abortion and population control.
Man! I had no idea what trash was on TV! We’ve just celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary, and we’ve never had TV in our home. I am so glad I don’t have to explain such things to my innocent little children! Any longing I had for TV (in order to watch EWTN) is GONE!!!
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