AMDG notes that the USCCB’s site is listing the Call to Action conference on their November Calendar.
November 3-5 Call to Action National Conference: “Rise Up People of God,” Milwaukee, WI. Contact Linda Pieczynski, (630) 323-6924.
This year one of their sessions include:
Roman Catholic Women Priests Celebrate Eucharist
Roman Catholic Women Priests invite us to a Eucharistic liturgy in which women, equal and sacred symbols of the Roman Catholic Chuch <sic>, celebrate in an inclusive manner the Sacred Meal of Our Faith. They invite us to join them and “discover the future alive in the present.” Facilitating this liturgy will be six ordained R.C. Women Priests, pictured below: Bridget Mary Meehan of Global Ministries University; Eileen M. DiFranco of Philadelphia; Joan Clark Houk of Pittsburgh; Kathleen Strack Kunster, serving a small community in California; Regina Nicolosi of Red Wing, Minn., a nursing home chaplain; and Kathy Sullivan Vandenberg. There are also two ordained R.C. women deacons: Juanita Cordero, a liturgist, and Mary Ellen Robertson, a hospice chaplain. Sun., 7:45 AM (13.07)
What is interesting is that this event is not listed on their regular calendar. Also no other Catholic conferences are listed. Only Call to Actions out of all the hundreds of conferences each years gets a mention.
The USCCB gives contact information for Linda Pieczynski, the spokeswoman of Call to Action. Before Pope John Paul II died she said "What we are trying to do is survive and hold on until [the next pope]." Boy would I have liked to see her face when Pope Benedict was elected. After his election she said:
"Progressive Catholics are closely watching the first actions of the newly elected Pope Benedict XVI," stated Linda Pieczynski, the national spokesperson for Call To Action (CTA), the nation’s largest progressive Catholic reform group. She said, "The Spirit leads the church, which is the people of God, no matter who is Pope. Some issues in the Church just won’t go away. We still feel called to raise our issues even if the current Pope will not. Given our knowledge of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger’s prior positions as the head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, formerly the office of the notorious Holy Inquisition, we are guarded in our expectation that he will address any of the important changes we have called for."
Pieczynski continued, "Under Ratzinger’s leadership and with his approval, the discussion of women’s ordination has been forbidden; married priesthood is not under consideration; people who have ministered to the gay and lesbian community have been silenced; and theologians who have written about the good in other religions have been investigated. He is also personally responsible for derailing the canonical lawsuit filed by the victims of Fr. Maciel, former head of the Legionaries of Christ, an alleged serial pedophile. Finally, he led an effort for two decades to disempower national conferences of bishops, which conflicts with Vatican II’s principle of collegiality."
Update: The calendar item has now been removed. Hopefully this was addressed with whatever staffer thougtht this was worthy in the first place.
Actually, I see the Call to Action conference listed on the main calendar also. Would it be prudent to also contact our bishop’s office to report this? What is the proper way to address this?
Call the in the bulldog Bruskewitz!
I’m going to shoot an email to my Bishop today.
I just sent the following to my home Bishop:
Greetings Bishop Vasa,
I am writing as a former resident of Baker City and a faithful Catholic of the Diocese of Baker. I currently am a student at the University of Notre Dame where I study architecture. I am a graduate of Thomas Aquinas College in California, which you are well familiar with, I thank you for the kind words you have spoken for my Alma Mater.
I am writing with concern about the listing of Call to Action’s National conference on the USCCB calendar. As you well know Call to Action is called a “progressive Catholic group,” but I do not believe this group is worthy of the name Catholic. This group as you well know was condemned by Bishop Bruskewitz a decade ago, and still have not come into conformity with the teachings of the Church. I believe in the teachings and truth of the Church, and the authority of our Bishops as well, and I believe that the Bishops teach the truth of the Faith.
I am sure that the Call to Action calendar notice was placed by some staff member of the USCCB that was unaware of this group’s erroneous teachings, and not by a Bishop in conformity with the Magisterium of the Church. I ask that you contact the USCCB and correct this error, that the faithful not be led astray.
Thank you,
Yours in Christ with St. Francis de Sales,
Erik Bootsma
Finally, he led an effort for two decades to disempower national conferences of bishops, which conflicts with Vatican II’s principle of collegiality.”
I think there was a typo in that sentence. The common after bishops should be removed and “conflicts” shouldn’t have the “s”. It should read,
“Finally, he led an effort for two decades to disempower national conferences of bishops which conflict with Vatican II’s principle of collegiality.”
There, given this CTA item on their calendar, that makes more sense.
Looks like it is not there anymore.
I really hate the USCCB
I don’t hate the USCCB as much as it scares me. Stuff like this makes me wonder & wonder WHO is in charge. All I can do is refuse to give them $$.
I saw the item on CWNews, and went to find it, and it was gone as well. It’d be a pity if Bruskewitz’s next extrasynodal legislation included the USCCB, and anyone who persisted in membership thereof would be latae sententiae excommunicated.
Boy I never thought I would say this but what we need now is:
The Inquisition!
What a show!
The Inquisition!
Here we go!
Thanks to Mel Brookes for the song.
We need to sack the lot of them!
No wonder Milingo ran to the States!