I mentioned some time back about a Tennessee man who created a Rosary out of bowling balls.
Well here is another one in Michigan.
NAPOLEON TOWNSHIP, Mich. (AP) — When a man forges a 70-foot, 700-pound rosary out of bowling balls in his front yard, you just know there’s a story behind it.
This one involves Ralph Kluk, 76 — a Poland native, pack rat, polka player and pen pal of the late Pope John Paul II.
Kluk is a character. He also is known to ride about town with one. If you spy a guy tooling around in a black Chevy 1500 pickup with a 3-foot tall Scooby Doo plush toy strapped into the passenger’s seat, chances are you’ve just seen Kluk.
"I do crazy things," the Jackson County grandfather admits, with a twinkle in his eye. "But they’re not really crazy."
Turns out, there’s actually a simple mathematical formula to building a bowling-ball rosary.
Take 59 balls, 20 cans of pastel spray paint, 40 feet of black piping, add a wooden cross and voila! You have a unique interpretation of Roman Catholic catechism that Kluk calls "The Final Strike."
Anchoring the balls in the ground with 9-inch metal stakes was key, he says. They almost rolled off his 30 acres and onto Horton Road.
NOKOMIS – Hail Mary, full of grace ? and if you sinners out there try to pray this particular rosary, you are going to need a back brace.
Not that fingering the 59 beads is the point here, of course. The rosary that retired quarry worker Bernard "Chub" Clark has created in his rural three acre yard near Nokomis is made of old bowling balls and probably weighs close to 1,000 pounds, give or take.
Behind the rosary is a cautionary sign, stark black letters against a white backdrop: "You know not the hour Jesus will come – please pray." Clark hopes the message rather than the rosary will weigh heavily on the conscience of rubber-necking motorists passing by on Hillside Avenue. Clark believes mankind has strayed further and further into the gutter and our Father, who art displeased in heaven, is getting ready to bowl us over for our wickedness.
Well the one advantage is that if you happen to drop this Rosary when you yell Jesus! it won’t be too out of place.
This begs the questions: Who has the highest handicap? And what League do they play in? (The Sacred Heart League?)
A friend and I used to joke about how we’d like to test the veracity of the Medjugorje claims by bringing a rosary constructed out of bowling balls and logging chain and seeing if it turned to gold. Perhaps Mr. Kluk should give it a try. 😉
It takes a man with large spheres to do something like this.
I always thought that the Statue of Liberty was missing something: he should give it to the Lady in New York harbor.
I think we’ve found the answer to the proliferation of labyrinths growing up in churches around the country. Put a little more space between the “beads” and you can walk the rosary! I like it!
Great story! But aren’t there only 53 beads on a rosary? Ah, the ones for the Our Father too.
If anyone’s read Strangers and Sojourners by Michael D. O’Brien (highly recommended) –
I think Kluk sounds like the real-life inspiration for the nutty old Polish inventor/builder… great story!
If anyone’s read Strangers and Sojourners by Michael D. O’Brien (highly recommended) –
I think Kluk sounds like the real-life inspiration for the nutty old Polish inventor/builder… another great story!
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