I often pick on women’s religious groups or the progressive persuasion, so for some balance check out Dr. Jeff Mirus’s article on Father David Couturier, OFM Cap. attempt to utterly transform religious life. He addressed the annual assembly of the Conference of Major Superiors of Men on August 5th. From the email intro to his article at CatholicCulture:
The Conference of Major Superiors of Men learned the secret to increasing the impact of religious communities at their annual assembly in August. It turns out that the secret is to establish non-governmental organizations to represent worldwide religious orders at the United Nations.
I guess this explains why the majority of the web sites of progressives are more likely to link to the UN than to the Vatican.
You want to see an order growing RAPIDLY?
Check this site out:
Tha .ca is more updated.
These people have novices UNDER 18 and they are building both a minor and major seminary.
And the minor begins as young as 15!
That is impact. That is the Holy Spirit renewing the face of the Earth.
Somehow, it seems unlikely St Benedict, St Therese of Little Flower, St Francis, or St Dominic would have fond words for this idea.
I love the Heralds! I wonder when they will begin to work in my corner of the country (northen MI is home mission territory, after all).
And rahter than celebrate July 4th, Liberals celebrate October 24th (United Nations Day) !!!