The other day "The artist formerly known as Cat Stevens" had this advice:
"But he added that the pope’s comments on Islam showed he was fallible, ‘because of the kind of interpretation he had of Islam, he should read Gandhi and find out what he said about Islam,’ the singer said, adding that the Indian leader had a more peaceful interpretation of the faith."
Today I ran across this:
Following the assassination of Swami Shraddhanand at the hands of a Muslim fanatic in December, 1926, Mahatma Gandhi had said: "Mussalmans have an ordeal to pass through. There can be no doubt that they are too free with the knife and the pistol. The sword is an emblem of Islam. But Islam was born in an environment where the sword was, and still remains, the supreme law. The message of Jesus has proved ineffective because the environment was unready to receive it. So with the message of the Prophet. The sword is yet too much in evidence among the Mussalmans. It must be sheathed if Islam is to be what it means – peace."
[Via Ecce Homo]
Thanks for the heads up Steven Georgiou aka Cat Stevens aka Yusuf Islam.
Why is anything that Cat Stevens has to say relevant? Is this just a sad little bid for publicity or what?
Great, an “inflammatory” statement and the guy who they need to kill is already dead! What does the Code of Muslim Cannon Law say about such a situation?
CMCL 2568:
“… [I]n the event the statement was discovered only posthumously, one does have legal recourse to threatening and murdering relatives of the speaker up to and including distant kin, or friends of the speaker, or relatives of the friends of the speaker, or any number of random Kurds (okay, anyone really). Of course, the glory of Allah always teaches that prayer can also be a powerful weapon and so the faithful are enjoined to pray for the deceased that he may suffer ever more eternal punishments in the bowels of Hell.”
Religion of the piece.
Great quote Jeff. Thanks for sharing. I might use this quote myself.
Yusuf Islam has one tiny lump of cat feces for brains. And so does the MSM dipstick that quoted his asinine and utterly false comment.
Here’s the truth (which Pope Benedict is too charitable to state): Islam is the highly concentrated essence of all conceivable evil. Its more active adherents practice theft, cruelty, cold-blooded murder, blasphemy, and defiance of God’s Law. It is a system of organized brigandage, led by gangsters called ameers and imams, and is meant to establish satanic authority over the earth.
“Islam is the highly concentrated essence of all conceivable evil.”
You mean the stuff in the toaster at the end of Time Bandits??
“Don’t touch it!”
Actually, the quote (which did not necessarily reflect the Pope’s views) said that all the NEW innovations of Islam were evil. Islam, however, shares many things it took from Christianity and Judaism. Can you say that monotheism is evil? Of course not.
Egads! Not Cat Stevens! Now I’m going to have that nasty song stuck in my head all day… the “Moon Shadow” one about what the singer would do if he lost various parts of his body. Except the phrase “moonshadow” will be replaced:
“I’m being followed by a jihadi, jihadi, jihadi. Leapin’ and runnin’ from a jihadi, jihadi, jihadi. And if I ever lose my legs, I won’t cry and I won’t beg. And if I ever lose my legs awaaaaaaay, I won’t have to walk no more.”
Dude, Gandhi spelled muslims “Mussalmans”?, like the apple sauce company?