Jimmy Akin answers the burning theological question what would Mr. T official saint name be if he became a Catholic and lived a life of heroic virtue.
Pitty the fool who doesn't repent
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Jimmy Akin answers the burning theological question what would Mr. T official saint name be if he became a Catholic and lived a life of heroic virtue.
Wait, it gets better, I think. On that principle, suppose he was ordained a priest. Then he’d be “Fr. Mr. T.” And what if he founded a religious order? What would they be called (and instead of a tonsure would they wear a Mandingue or whatever that hairstyle is called)?
Best of all, if he was canonized with that name, then according to canon law, Catholics could then pick “Mr. T” as their kid’s baptismal name. 😀
Anyone who names himself after the Tau Cross has to be very holy, ne?