Via Kathryn Jean Lopez at the Corner is the latest euphemism for embryonic stem-cell research. "early stem-cell research" as used in this story and others. The culture of death is tenacious when it comes to coming up with new phrases to describing murder. Though that is always a helpful sign when they have to resort to obfuscation instead of just speaking the truth. That they know they will meet resistance when they speak honestly so they must hide the truth of what they advocate. Human embryo harvesting for example would be much more honest that therapeutic cloning, though even the phrase "theraputic cloning" was determined to be too harsh and they have now resorted to "somatic cell nuclear transfer" instead.
Father of lies
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Bureaucratic euphemisms are the bane of clarity.
It always amazes me how unclear they have to make their statements to mask the true intent. It isn’t even double-speak anymore, the wording is so convoluted that the message is all but lost in the labyrinth they devise to circumvent the truth. All done in the name of “freedom”.
I agree that bureaucratic euphemisms are a big problem, but I would add that the root of many of society’s problems are that we no longer THINK about things. Television does not require much mental involvement as reading. People don’t want to bother with thinking things out to their logical conclusions anymore – it’s too much of a hassle.
So, the PC Police can get by with redefining evil precisely because no one will challenge it. Should they have to defend their ideas, they attack, not with reason, but with hate speech and name-calling (eg. bigot, narrow-minded, homophobe, racist, etc…). Who wants to bother putting up with that kind of ostracism.
We are a country of wimps, and all it takes is for good people to do nothing.