Kathy Shaidle of Relapsed Catholic celebrates her six years in the blogosphere today. Her blog is always a must read and more times than not her great headlines induce a chuckle regardless of your mood. She is the original Catholic blogger and coiner of the term St. Blogs and original she stays with each post. Though I must admit after first finding her blog on Mark Shea’s blogroll four years ago I was put of by her blog title and deprived myself of her great humor and insight. So remember don’t judge a blog by its title.
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I concur, Kathy is prolific in her blogging, but is able to keep that nice quality of humor to it that never seems to diminish in each posting!
Oh Canada!!!
Thanks for Kathy!
Thanks to you both! There’s no way I would still be blogging if it hadn’t been for supportive comments from readers and fellow bloggers. (Oh, and to spite this one particular blogger, who I’m determined to “out live”. Yes, I am the worst of sinners).
Cheers all!