Mark Shea has an interesting column at Catholic Exchange called "Why Catholics Don’t Know What They are Talking About" and later relates why that is a good thing. Specifically he talks about the Council of Nicea and how the results were different than what most observers would have predicted. If Nicea would have occurred in the modern age I am sure they would have received the same treatment that Humanae Vitae received in ours. The overwhelming consensus would be that the Church would accept something that it indeed did not and subsequently there would be shock and surprised at this.
Though our response should be wonder and awe at the Holy Spirit guiding the Church and that no matter how much we try to muck things up the Church survives us. Regardless of what popular heresy is currently being touted and even held by a majority of believers it will become but a footnote in the long history of the Church. Modern heretics just aren’t very creative and just rewarm and combine old ones. They won’t even get a heresy named after them as a booby prize.