Marie Bain insists she’s a private woman, the kind of person who keeps her opinions to herself. But she’s also an entertainer.
Which is why, she says, she developed "Baby Killer," a one-woman show based on her experiences last fall being fired from teaching drama at Loretto High School because of her previous tenure as a Planned Parenthood volunteer.
Nothing like a shocking title to jump-start the controversy again. So much for a quiet, private life.
"I come from show business," says Bain. "You need to get people’s attention. The title comes from … what they scream at us at the clinics. Extremists say horrible things to everybody. People don’t get that.
[Via Stand Up and Speak Out]
Maybe people don’t get that calling someone a baby killer on their way to escort a women to have her baby killed should be seen as more horrible than the act itself. Not that I think screaming at someone is the most prudent way to help to change their mind, but it is certainly and act much less in magnitude than being the willing cooperator to escort someone to have their innocent child killed.
The teacher probably was able to spend some time to write her play since she received a settlement from the Catholic school for having the audacity to fire an abortion escort working in the Catholic school. Not that the school would probably have taken the action without the Bishop stepping in in the first place.
So she’s denouncing the polemics that people use outside abortion clinics, but she’s turning around and using the same polemics to denounce the Catholic school that fired her?
How could she have not realized that working at a Catholic school and volunteering for Planned Parenthood wouldn’t mix.
At least it’s a pro-abortion propaganda play with an honest title.
They absolutely realize the problem with working for a Catholic School and working for Planning No Parenthood at the same time. They believe they are crusaders whose sole purpose in life is to drag the Church kicking and screaming into their enlightened culture of death world. Sorry, no buying it. Glad she was fired.
Sidewalk counselors don’t scream at people. Anyone who has ever been a sidewalk counselor knows this. You won’t get pregnant mothers who are about to have their baby killed by screaming at them.
I’m with Mary Alexander. I spent a lot of time outside the clinics in college. We prayed a lot (both silently and aloud,) we sang, we tried to offer help to the women entering. I don’t EVER remember the words “Baby Killer” coming from anybody’s lips. Ever.
The best thing about this woman’s attitude and actions are that anyone who might have wondered “did they do the right thing by firing her?” now has a succinct answer: Yes! She’s duplicitous and self-serving.
She got a settlement?! Can you give me the details on that? How come a Catholic school, a private RELIGIOUS institution has to be tolerant of her enemies? After all, the Supreme Court says the Boy Scouts don’t have to hire homosexual Scout leaders. This is like the case of the Knights in Canada. A Human Rights tribunal decided that the Knights could practice their religion (how generous of them), but that they had to pay a settlement to some lesbians they refused to cater the “wedding reception” at the Knights’ Hall. The adherents to the culture of death can’t see beyond themselves and a quick buck, can they?