No the National Catholic Reporter hasn’t finally changed their name. This time it is a National Geographic Special just in time for Easter on a Gnostic gospel. Jimmy Akin has the low-down. I remember a couple of years back that the National Geographic did an extensive article on JRR Tokien and his influences in writing the Lord of the Rings which forgot to mention the fact that he was Catholic and that he considered it foundational to his books.
Gospel of Judas
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Good gravy. I remember that Tolkien thing. The message was: All you capitalist running dog industrialists are the Dark Lord.
Anyone notice that Peter Jackson didn’t get it, either? I almost passed out when Sean Astin started mocking the lembas bread.
I know, watching the “making of” specials on the extended DVDs got to be a little grueling at points with all mentions of Tolkein’s various mythological and Pagan influences. As the DVD sets progressed, though, more and more time was given to Tolkein’s Christianity, but not much about Catholicism…
Very odd considering the fact that St. Thomas Aquinas University offers a graduate-level theology course on Tolkein. Apparently, it is pretty good, too!
Like the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hammadi discoveries, this latest ‘gospel’ increases the amount of new scriptural material only available this century making the concept of ‘canonical scriptures’ and the traditions built upon them even less convincing. What would ‘Christinaity’ look like if all these resources were available from the beginning? Check this link:
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