Marquette University has now joined a half of dozen of other Catholic Universities that have stopped a production of the Vagina Monologue.
Another one bites the dust
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Marquette University has now joined a half of dozen of other Catholic Universities that have stopped a production of the Vagina Monologue.
Excellent. To follow their good example, I will stop watching “The Man Show.” Thank heavens! I can only endure about 30 seconds of that garbage.
From what I’ve read about the VM, it seems to portray being a woman as a dreadful condition.
Can’t comment on that. I’ve only been married for 27+ years.
This is, indeed, good news! It means that spines are beginning to be seen once again in those Catholic institutions of learning that had dallied with the socially condoned perversions that are epidemic.
Maybe now, DePaul University can boot out its “Queer Studies” minor and begin to start its road back to Magisterium instead of tring to appeal to the Lord of the Flies and Zippers.
Well, kinda. MU won’t allow it, but NOT because it is obscene, vulgar, and otherwise un-Catholic.
It will be “a distraction.” THAT’S the reason.
Well, it’s a step forward. At least obscenity, vulgarity and otherwise un-Catholicism is seen as distracting, rather than part of the core curriculum.
Here at Notre Dame, the University is no longer “sponsoring” a general showing (ew!) of the famous monologues. It is taking place in the context of some class, or something. Meanwhile the new president, Father Jenkins, is mulling over what to do about it next year. He is also meditating on whether or not he wants to keep putting on the ND Queer Film Festival. He says he welcomes input on these matters. Go to the web site.
As a fellow ND student, I will say that the refusal to sponser the play is not done without a fight.
Pray for us.
God Bless,
Ok, so could al those “Oh boy, its the Jesuits again” people please note MU is a Jesuit University? I know it hurts to admit we get it right sometimes…
I know it hurts to admit we get it right sometimes…
I know, Jesuit John, but a stopped clock is right twice a day. 🙂 Just kidding, but you really have to get your order into line. You have some really out-there spokesmen putting the face on the Jesuits that the rest of us see. It spawns jokes like this.
A man walks up to a Franciscan and a Jesuit, and asks: “How many novenas does it take to get a Mercedes Benz?”
The Franciscan asks: “What’s a Mercedes Benz?”
The Jesuit asks: “What’s a novena?”
Tony really, the face of the Jesuits that everyone else sees? What about Fr. Robert Spitzer, SJ? (I mention him first, because I’m a Gonzaga student.) And Fr. Fessio, who started Ignatius Press, Fr. Mitch Pacwa, Fr. James Schall, Avery Cardinal Dulles…Shall I go on? There are a lot of good Jesuits out there in the public eye, publishing and appearing on television.
There are also a lot of weird Franciscans, Dominicans, and diocesan priests in the public eye. Why don’t you go pick on them for a change?
I agree with their decision. We need pro-life decisions made. With pharacists losing their jobs in IL for standing against contraception, Walmart selling the morning after pill, and Hawaii promoting abortion, we need promising stories. I was really glad to read this one today. I’m also following South Dakota really carefully and I ask everyone else to pray along with me for their abortion ban to remain in effect.
I’ll add Milwaukee’s own Excellent Jesuits to Jane’s list: Frs. Ray Gawronski, Bill Kurz, Jim Kubicki, and Will Prospero…
hey, you know, it could be worse.
They could be doing the Vagina Monologues in the CHAPEL. That’s what my college was going to do this very weekend, until a bunch of angry alumnae and I decided to email the chaplain and complain. They were going to do it right in front of the altar, and the crucifix that’s hidden by a big red curtain because it’s “offensive” to some people.
We decided, that if they’re going to play the political correctness game, we’re going to play it too. We told the college administration that if they are truly “celebrating diversity,” they will listen to all voices, even those that they don’t agree with. The students made a huge fuss! They claimed that religion has way too much power on campus, but really, this is the first time a group of Christians had a backbone and said something about some of the heinous things the college does.
But the change happened, and at least they are performing that horrid show someplace else.
Yes, there are ‘a lot of good Jesuits out there.’ Fr. Paul McNellis is another. He’s a philosophy professor at Boston College, which, we are assured, operates “in the Jesuit tradition” and is happy to host VM every single year, along with other bowings and scrapings to the homosexual agenda. But ‘good Jesuits’ is not the point. It cannot be denied there is something truly rotten at the heart of the Order, personified in Jesuits like Fr. Lennon, who went before the Massachusetts Legislature to testify that homosexual marriage does not conflict with Catholic dogma. As long as there are Jesuits like him, and there are many, the media will continue to emphasize their ideas and they will be allowed a disproportunate influence in the public face of the Church. They are doing us a lot of harm.
Don’t forget Father John Hardon, S.J.
Fr. Hardon is the exemplar of a Jesuit. (Is that the right word?) What I wonder is why priests like him and Cardinal Dulles don’t make more noise within their Order and demand their Superior Generals get on the ball.
Some of my best friends are Jesuits.
BTW, I am no longer a Notre Dame student. I am an alumna. I started life as a faculty brat.
Stop the Vagina Monologue at Catholic Universitys? Who woulda thunk?
and the on going Jesuit bashing? What on going Jesuit bashing?
Ferde, what makes you say that there’s something wrong in the heart of the order? There are good Jesuits and bad Jesuits, just as there are good laymen and bad laymen, good diocesan priests and bad diocesan priests, etc. Does that mean there’s something wrong in the heart of the diocesan priesthood or the laity, because some members of them are seriously disturbed and not disciplined by those who ostensibly have authority over them?
Also, I see that Tony has not been back. Perhaps he has given up his Jesuit-bashing ways?