ROME (AP) – The conservative Roman Catholic group Opus Dei said Tuesday it had no intention of calling for a boycott of the upcoming film "The Da Vinci Code," but said it hopes the much-awaited film could still be changed so that "there aren’t references that would hurt Catholics."
In a statement released in Rome, Opus Dei said Sony Pictures still had time to make changes that would be appreciated by Catholics, "particularly in these days in which everyone has noted the painful consequences of intolerance" – an apparent reference to violence in the Muslim world sparked by the publication of caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad. [Source]
That is a rather silly hope since if you remove the parts that would bother somebody who actually believed Jesus was say for instance God there wouldn’t be enough movie left to insert as a subliminal message. They would have to show the title and then immediately show the credits.
This movie was produced precisely *because* it is offensive to Catholics. As they say, anti-Catholic bigotry is the only acceptable bigotry left in the USA.
Watch out for those albino monk assassins!
I really think we should pursue Barbara Nicolosi’s idea of going to see “Over the Hedge” en masse on May 19.
I vote for “Over the Hedge” as an alternative to TDVC too.
Typically, Hollywood takes a good book and then ruins it on film. So I can only imagine how horrendous this movie will be given how awful the book is.
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