I have gripped about Catholics for Faithful Citizenship in the past because they hide behind a patina of USCCB support. When they are in reality just another left wing group that limits the Church’s social teaching to the planks of the Democratic Party. Fr. Carr of Catholicism Anew has made a very fascinating find about some of the people who run the site. This is interesting because they have for the most part hid their identity and have used tricks to hide their domain information. The one identified member also ran catholicsforkerry04.org. Fr. Carr has found out that the person actually behind the domain is one Jackie Zhao of Elmherst NY.
This is where the investigation takes a surprising turn. This blog took the effort to track down referral spam he was getting. The internet addresses associated with this person was sending out spam that is predominately for casinos as both regular and comment spam. The WHOIS information for Jackie Zhao contained a 800 number for contact information. This number is actually a sex hotline number. Further investigation reveals that Jackie Zhao actually lives in Fuzhou Fujian, China. So we have an "Catholic" site spilling out liberal propaganda that is actually run from a spammer in China.
Read Fr. Carr’s commentary on the whole thing.
�This is an excellent movie or novel premise! It has high american politics (Kerry et al), the vatican involved, communist conspirators, exotic places (australia) and hackers.
But wait, the christians are the victims? we should change that, may be a cardinal is eeevil, you know, and…
Is Jackie Zhao by any chance an albino?
Nothing but nothing terrifies me as much as Communist China. The only thing that will save us from this Godless behemoth will be prayer and lots of it. Say a rosary every day for the conversion of China.
Gretchen, don’t be terrified, I think faith is quite afoot in China, as well as internal and external pressures towards democracy. From different things I have read, there is a growing underground of faithful (I’ve heard the figure put at around 2 million, but of course there is no way of verifiying). Hong Kong, turned over to China, was actually one of the freest markets in the world, and while communist China has exerted socialist pressures, they cannot clamp down too heavily on Hong Kong trade — if not for any other reason than it does not serve her well to do so. This permits the Hong Kong model to expand into other areas of China. While it is certainly a long way from being rosy, there is hope in China. Indeed, pray, and remember JPII told the people of Poland to “Be not afraid.”
Wonder who’s paying for it all? This is a work for cash enterprise–you can tell because of the nature of the other clients–somebody’s paying.
Moreover, I wonder if they’re paying for it with collection plate money…….
Stranger things have happened.