One of my readers influenced by my Merry Christmas Greeting EULA has taken it a step farther and with the help of a friend of his came up with this site. So get your buttons now!
I want a button which conveys that is OK to wish me Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Hanukkah (but NOT “Chappy Chanukkah”!), Bon Hiver, or Eid Mubarak if it happens to fall in December. But NOT a greeting for something called Holiday.
LucyDecember 6, 2005 - 11:32 pm
Loved it. Going to order some. Merry Christmas you happy holidays people. Merry CHRISTMAS!!!
You know, Neal Boortz is reminding people that every time someone says “Happy Holidays” an elf dies. I think it’s hysterical, and my four year old was so tickled by how silly it is that she ran around for two days yelling, “Happy Holidays! I KILLED AN ELF!” while laughing hysterically.
I hope she won’t need too much therapy when she gets older.
Perfect idea!
I want a button which conveys that is OK to wish me Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Hanukkah (but NOT “Chappy Chanukkah”!), Bon Hiver, or Eid Mubarak if it happens to fall in December. But NOT a greeting for something called Holiday.
Loved it. Going to order some. Merry Christmas you happy holidays people. Merry CHRISTMAS!!!
I Celebrate Christmas!
Don’t be shy. Tell the world. Get your button today.
You know, Neal Boortz is reminding people that every time someone says “Happy Holidays” an elf dies. I think it’s hysterical, and my four year old was so tickled by how silly it is that she ran around for two days yelling, “Happy Holidays! I KILLED AN ELF!” while laughing hysterically.
I hope she won’t need too much therapy when she gets older.
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