For over 9 months the Long Island Samhain Witch festival has been scheduled to take place on Saturday October 29, 2005 at the Knights of Columbus in Lindenhurst, NY. ( phone: (631) 226-3240, fax: (631) 226-7837 ). Just a 2 weeks before the event was to take place, the Knights of Columbus breached their contract with the us, Crescent Moon Goddess, and decided to lock the doors on the festival. They contend that they have received many complaints and threats from Catholic organizations saying they would picket, protest and riot at the event. In addition, Knights of Columbus claimed that they did not like that the advertisements using the words Pagan, Samhain, and Witch. Samhain (pronounced Sah-ween) is a pre-Christian Celtic holiday celebrating the end of Summer as well as a time to honor and remember those that have passed before us.
The Long Island Samhain Witch festival was to have speakers, workshops, entertainers and over 45 vendors. Not willing to cancel the entire event, we at Crescent Moon Goddess worked diligently to find another venue which is Sheraton Hotel in Smithtown, NY. The original date was not available and is rescheduled for Saturday November 12, 2005.
We whole heartedly believe we were Discriminated againist based on our religious beliefs and backgrounds, by what was expressed to us by the Knights of Columbus, and we will not conceed to religious intolerance by anyone.
We are very sorry for the inconvience and disapointment that this may have caused. We hope to see you all on November 12, 2005 at the Sheraton Hotel to show your support and spend a enjoyable day together in harmony. [Source]
First off, I guess this witch did not cast a spellchecker spell on her writings before posting.
I doubt the threat of rioters, but what in the world ever made this council of the Knights of Columbus ever enter into a contract with Crescent Moon Goddess in the first place? Talk about a lack of prudence and then only correcting the mistake after numerous complaints. You would think that "Our Lady of Perpetual Help Council # 794" would brook no Pagan competition for Our Lady and her Son. Especially to an organization that would be selling spells, charms and forms of divination.
Ironically I found this at the Knights of Columbus easily searchable catechism.
2138 Superstition is a departure from the worship that we give to the true God. It is manifested in idolatry, as well as in various forms of divination and magic.
Hat tip to Dawn Eden for forwarding me this story.
Via a Google search – according to the “Spirit Daily” news [],
“The council’s chaplain, Monsignor Daniel S. Hamilton, of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Lindenhurst, confirmed the cancellation and said that the event had been misrepresented as a trade show to the Knights, who are independent of the parish and took action after an item about it appeared on Spirit Daily. It was to be sponsored by an organization called “Crescent Moongoddess,” which reserved the hall.
Last year a similar event was planned and then cancelled for a Knights hall in Salem, Massachusetts.”
Still, I don’t know how you could take a reservation from an organization called “Crescent Moongoddess” and not get suspicious.
N.B. – your “recent entries” drop-down menu has developed some sort of cancer, it seems, causing it to stick half way out into your post (at least when viewed in IE). Thought you might want to know.
Had a similar situation with a lesbian couple wanting to rent the Knights hall for a reception. Umm….when the applicants names are Jenny and Lisa that would be a dead giveaway, no?!
Now “Jenny and Lisa” want to sue the Knights. My eyes are still rolling in their sockets.
I hadn’t heard of this! Msgr. Hamilton is a great priest – I wouldn’t imagine him allowing this in a million years.
Lisa: of course, the question can be flipped around: why do Jenny and Lisa want to rent a K of C hall for their “reception?” Because there were no “gay-friendly” halls or restaurants nearby? I doubt it. Methinks Jenny and Lisa are out for a little publicity. Rent a hall from those evil intolerant Catholics and when they refuse, sue, scream about discrimination, and become heroes and martyrs in the eyes of the gay community. And, hey, you might end up with some nice coin if you get a good lawyer – finding a reason to sue the RCs nowadays gives you better odds than playing the lottery.
There does seem to be a pattern developing for the KofC. The heads of the KofC better start connecting the dots and having those in charge of booking rentals double check the people who call. The question is of course, “why Knights of Columbus?” halls … but we know the answer … & note it will take & deplete more $$ to defend the charges of discrimination. It is time for the Knights to group develop a serious screening m.o.
Time for some education, folks: The Knights of Columbus, because of it’s structure as a fraternal benefit society, does not operate any banquet or meeting facilities (likewise with Elks,Moose, etc.). Each one is owned separately through a holding corporation. It is up the officers of the individual councils to to see that the person doing the bookings is screening properly.
Even then, it is possible that the renters think they can do whatever they want.
I served as GK and DD, as well as president of our holding company, and bartended many affairs. The DJs knew up front that I would not allow Billy Idol’s “Mony Mony” played, out of respect for the prominent crucifix on our wall.
Readers have no idea if the booking agent does this full-time, or if he a retired gent answering the phone. It’s good the chaplain was doing his job, because that isn’t always the case.
I’m delighted to see this result. I know I sent a “say it ain’t so” not to the Supreme Knight when I heard about this. I’m sure there were many.
Is anyone reminded here of the classic Seinfeld episode where Kramer is sponsoring a Jewish Singles dinner dance and it is held at the Local KofC venue? This is not intended to equate Jewish Singles with Pagan Moongoddess and her coven, just a light moment! ** Thinks: for that matter, maybe I should not be referencing Seinfeld **
Do you know why a psycic asks for your money. Its because in my former world it is a covenant. What they are trying to do is get them in agreements with them to effect thier spiritual world. Agreements/contracts=covenant and there are rituals to perform without those whom you have covanant without them being there. Its the type of craft my mother used to perform. Go and get money from a church and then try to put curses on them. You might be surprised at how effectivly she created discontention and broke up smallish 150-200 memeber churches.
Donna – you are 100% right! They interviewed the lawyer on TV. *** more eye rolling ***
Why did the witches go to the KofC when they could have gone here:
or perhaps even here:
(both of which are on the speaking circuit of a fellow Melbournian and ex-priest Michael Morwood where he no doubt hawks ideas like this:
and this:
Samhain, whenever I’ve heard it pronounced, is more like “SOWen” (sow pronounced like a female pig here). And it also means the month of november…so if you happen to see something written in Irish that mentions Samhain, it may not necesarilly be a pagan writing. I have a Catholic newspaper in my backpack right now that has one article in Irish about a man who died on “1 Samhain”.
I don’t actually know Irish so I may be wrong about this, but I think it’s an oversimplification to call Samhain “a pagan feast”.