Michelle Malkin reports about a what seems to be photo manipulation by USA of a picture by Condi Rice.
Now this is probably the case that this photo was doctored. But possibly the picture is real and reveals something much more disturbing.
This is a picture of a Goa’uld – a despotic conquering race on SG-1. Notice any similarities? SG-1 has run episodes where the truth was kept from the population in general of the existence of the Goa’uld who had at time infiltrated the government at the highest levels. Today the The Sci Fi Channel announced today that had renewed Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis for the 2006-2007 season. Stargate SG-1 will become the longest-running US science fiction program as it enters its 10th season. Is there another reason for its longevity? Could the writers be trying to warn us about something? I hope that this is only the case of another doctored photo or at least that she might be a Tok’ra instead.
Update: USA Today has removed the doctored photo. Did the system lords quench this? Thanks also to Michelle Malkin for the link back to this post.
I’m no expert on the subject, but I have been known to tweak a photo or two before. Even if an unaltered version hadn’t been found, this one screams “edited.” In fact, after blowing it up, you can tell the person who did it is either a rank amateur or wasn’t concerned at all about making it realistic.
Damn you, you magnificent BASTARD!! You got the Stargate reference and the Malkin link while I was working on MY Stargate post!! 🙂
I think it goes without saying that Karl Rove is the head Goa’uld and that all senior staf fhave been been compromised.
For instance, yesterday I heard Scott McCle11an shout “Jaffa! Kree! I mean, no comment.”
Clearly, this is a Foothold situation.
anyone ever notice the pics of Hillery that drudge puts on his site. He finds the ugliest, most wrinkled un-flattering he can find and uses them. condie should be pleased that her photo didn’t look half as bad as the ones the repugs post of Hillery.all is fair in love, war and politics
And, naturally, you provide absolutely no evidence of that.
The best picture of Hillary is worse than the best picture of Condi. (In this “repug’s” humble opinion) 🙂
Heh, that should have read: “The best picture of Hillary is worse than the *worst* picture of Condi” (You know the problem we “repugs” have with typing :))
I so very much like the Layout of Ms Malkin’s blog, but I’m so sick from the content surrounded by such a gorgeous layout.
As a person of some celebrity, Dr Rice should anticipate this kind of casual photo doctoring, and we should easily anticipate it as well. However, Ms Malkin puts this sinister, malicious spin on it. I’m wondering if that’s intentional or just plain naive of her. Pardon me for abusing this forum; I now fear Ms Malkin would prune my comments.
Nice goa’uldification, in my books. There *must* be a gimp plugin for that; I’m all but certain.
Aww, you beat me to it by 17 minutes!
Rush: Are you taking back the talent you loaned me?
Once again USA Today proves that it really is nothing more than Mcpaper.
all photos have to been toned and sharpened in order to be printed in a newspaper. it’s a result of a lot of things, including press gain (see articles on subtractive color and 4-color printing if you want to learn more). if you don’t tone and sharpen them, condi winds up flat and purple in print — and that wouldn’t do.
in addition, in order to better the financial bottom line, most newspapers are using computer programs to process their photos — cheaper than paying someone. the drawback is that they apply the same logarithm rotely to every photo. that’s a pretty big assumption since no two photos are alike.
sometimes it just doesn’t work. see my photo album for an example click here. (the top is the original).
doesn’t mean the media is against you. (though it’s not paranoia if they’re really out to get you!).
what the media is really interested in is making money. we’re scared straight that we’re going to offend anyone — left or right — to the point that we barely cover the news.
there isn’t any conspiracy — we simply don’t have the time. we spend every solitary second we have (and then some) just to publish.
in the era of corporate journalism, the bottom line is the only thing that matters.
Really now. Condi is scary enough as she is. No need to doctor the photos.
I was able to reproduce the “distortion” only by increasing the brightness on just the whites of her eyes and nothing else in the photo. To do that would require much more than just a logarithm that applies its logic equally to the entire photo. No, this has the appearance of a deliberate act, and that fact is the crux of the arguement that the editors were working specifically to paint (pardon the pun) Dr. Rice in an unflattering way.
Maybe Dan Rather can determine if the photo is “fake but accurate” as he is well-trained to do.
An “honest mistake”. Yeah, right.
Gee. And here I thought I was being clever in observing that Con-di had
become a Jaffa…
I do have an alternate explaination to the doctoring theory, though. I
think the System Lords are afraid of our foreign policy, and have given
Condi a symbiote as part of a plan to bring that foreign policy into
line with that advocated by the Demagogues.
After all, the Loyal Opposition is willing to roll over for every other
tyrant in the galaxy. Why not the Goa’ould?
I do have an alternate explaination to the doctoring theory, though. I
think the System Lords are afraid of our foreign policy, and have given
Condi a symbiote as part of a plan to bring that foreign policy into
line with that advocated by the Demagogues.
After all, the Loyal Opposition is willing to roll over for every other
tyrant in the galaxy. Why not the Goa’ould?
I think it has more to with the fact that Iraq war is chewing up too much of the military budget. The Goa’uld want the money to go to the secret building of a fleet of Daedalus class warships, which will be equipped with Asgard shields, beaming technology and hyperdrives, and which they, upon seizing power on Earth, can then equip with their own weapons and use as their new fleet.
Oops: the second paragraph, being part of the quote, should have been italicized also.
And promptly install the Goa’ould Hil-la-Ree as ruler of our planet, demanding that we all worship her?
The really fun part is reading the Demogogues trying to rationalize this!
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