I agree with Br. Seraphim Beshoner, TOR at Friary Notes. This poster of the baby Jesus is pretty scary looking. He also makes some good points about using Communist imagery to promote Christ and notes the irony of the Communist Party of Russia distributing images of Lenin as an infant in order to counteract the Orthodox devotion to the child Jesus.
"For we have seen his star in the East, and have Commie to worship him."
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What’s next? A propaganda film where a member of the chancery staff falls in love with the Xerox machine?
Sick and wrong. Didn’t like it at all. Nothing warm and loving there.
Using an icon of an atheist movement to represent Christ seems… well, a bit obvious in its misguidedness.
Tatally inappropriate and chilling.
“Oh communists adore Him
Oh communists adore Him
Oh communists adore Him,
Christ the Lord!”