WASHINGTON DC (Roto Reuters) With news this week that Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist said "The federal government should fund embryonic stem cell research" that uses leftover embryos from fertility clinics. Pro-life Republicans were initially shocked by this turn of events and surprised that he both says that life begins at conception and that we can use this leftover embryos because they were going to die anyway. Sen Frist further said:
"I also strongly believe, as do countless other scientists, clinicians and doctors, that embryonic stem cells uniquely hold specific promise for some therapies and potential cures that adult stem cells just cannot provide,"
After the initial surprise has warn off some have wondered about the possible use of embryonic stem-cells to cure a host a problems. Embryonic stem-cells are pluripotent and can eventually specialize in any bodily tissue. "What if we were able to grow spines in the Republican leadership?" said John Miltom from Americans for a Strong Republican Leadership. "Sure adult stem-cell have actually cured people and have even helped to heal those with damaged spines. But wouldn’t you actually have to have a spine first for adult stem-cells to work? This would be a non-starter for the current GOP leadership today since we need to grow whole spines from scratch."
Though even some enthusiastic embryonic stem-cell proponents are not willing to jump on the bandwagon for the possibility of growing whole spines just yet. Dr. M. Brie Onyx stated that "Even when we do get to this point it is highly doubtful that these spines could be implanted successfully. There is a very high chance that these spines would be rejected since the GOP leadership has always been immune to spine cells. Treatments used to suppress their immune system would leave them weak and incoherent – meaning that they would be right back to their present condition."
1 comment
Good one, Jeff! If we don’t laugh, we’ll cry, huh?