Sometimes those that call themselves pro-choice let the mask slip a little and we see behind the false words and platitudes. A case in point is this banner [via K Lopez at The Corner]
As President Aristotle said "Well, we always knew that our pro-abortion friends had a couple screws loose" and that the "screwy attitudes of the NARAL clinch the point."
Many times those of use who are called pro-life call the other side pro-abortion. More accurately they are "pro-sex without babies." Abortion and contraception support is a consequence of this view. Their view on abstinence follows the same path and instead of saying what they are really advocating they hide behind strange theories. For example their hatred of abstinence is shrouded under the champaign view of sexuality. That is if you don’t pop the cork early it is going to explode. Since abstinence education has mainly been at the high school level it also betrays their view that sex among teenagers is to be encouraged and that nothing must get in the way of it. They have reversed Darwin. We have not evolved from the animals but are moving back towards them. That if we don’t have sex worse things will happen to us. They attack abstinence because they say people won’t be prepared when they fall and then will have "unsafe" sex. Of course to them unsafe sex is more than STDs it includes pregnancy. They deny that man is a moral creature that can control its appetites or behaviors. Yet at the same time they think that we can control our appetites and behaviors by first training us to use a condom and other anti-baby control measures. We have devolved back to animal instinct since "we are going to do it anyway." Of course their Screw Abstinence Party is restricted to those aged 21 or older which is ironic considering their stance on sex education. If sexually explicit sex ed in high schools with the agenda of encouragingly sexual activity is perfectly acceptable than why should they restrict access to their raunchy party with sex toys? If teenage sexuality activity is perfectly fine then why is there this demarcation of adults only?
When I first saw this banner I thought of doing some really snarky banner such as "Nail NARAL" or something in that vein. I quickly realized that this is the wrong approach.
Update: Updated the banner due to reader suggestions to make it less ambiguous.
Love the ad! Prayer is the only way. God change the hearts of the pro-abortion extremists and protect the children..born and unborn from their evil.
I can’t believe NARAL had the gall to actually admit what they believe for once. Usually they just use code words. Will John Kerry and the rest of those who worship at the shrine of NARAL distance themselves from this or condemn it? Doubtful.
Precisely the right response. Great banner which I will be picking up unless you mind.
Your more than welcome to use anything on my site.
Hi, Jeff,
I left a comment at Amy’s OPEN BOOK to steer people to your pro-life ad.
You need to have Cafe Press make up some of those “Pray for NARAL” bumper stickers – I bet they would sell like hotcakes!
I second Robin’s opinion… that pro-life ad would be a great bumper sticker. A T-shirt would be nice as well…
Superb work, Jeff! A spiritual work of mercy, and exactly what we have been told to do: “Love your enemies, pray for those who persecute you…” (Mt. 5:44)
Definitely the correct response.
Just to avoid the (possible) ambiguity, how about: “PRAY FOR THE CONVERSTION OF NARAL”?
Great post Jeff. Love that ad!
One question though…wouldn’t saying that we’re praying for them give people the mistaken notion that we support them?
I think it’s high time the pro-abortionists advertise the raw truth of the matter. How can I help them along? Here’s a couple of truthful banners:
“Sex outside of marriage is masturbation”
“I’m for the right to choose YOU tonight, and someone else tomorrow night.”
“Babies get in the way of screwing”
“Animals do it. Why can’t we?”
“Your rosaries get in the way of my thinking about my genitals all the time.”
I would definitely buy a “Pray for the conversion of NARAL shirt! Great banner.
Boinking like there’s no tomorrow. We’re NARAL.
Get all the nukkie you can while you’re here, cause we’re all going to hell. Go NARAL!
Screw your life away!!! Support NARAL.
Is this for real? Was this a real ad campaign launched by NARAL? I am truly shocked (Notice I didn’t say “Shocked” a second time with sarcastic emphasis) that they would go that far! Wow.
At least now we have no doubt about what their agenda/mentality is. Maybe this ad will turn decent people to the pro-life position.
Submitted by Anonymous on July 13, 2005 – 7:50am.
To the organizers of this event. I pray that your consience will weigh heavy. Please stop leading our youth away from God. Your advertising that sex is “cool”. I feel you could have made your point about “safer sex” by just supplying material to keep sex safe. IF the youth decide to have sex!! Sinking to a teenage level of understanding sex, is not the best way to inform the youth of their options. The youth should know how and why God loves them so deeply and completely. Concerned Parent – Capitol Heights, MD
I think everyone is missing the point. I dont think NARAL is suggesting kids should go out and have sex, nor are the encouraging abstinence. It seems to me like this event is being used to stress their position that it is inappropriate for the government to be wasting our tax$$$ on abstinence only education when we know that it doesnt work. As all of us pro-lifers know, PARENTS and FAMILY are responsible for teaching their kids. I dont want my children’s teachers discussing this issue with my kids period.
In the mean time, keep praying for the conversion of pro-choicers.
Your Brother in Christ,
They say “Screw Abstinence” while we say “True Love Waits.” Quite a contrast.
Brother Robert,
You rightly state that children should be taught by parents and family – not public school (sic) teachers.
Before you defend NARAL too much, know that they strongly support and are lobbying for Washington State to pass ESHB 1282. This is a public schools sex education initiative.
Brother Allen