Ignatius Insight has the latest article in a series related to blogs. This time Catholic bloggers were asked "What are the problems with blogs."
The problems with blogs
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Ignatius Insight has the latest article in a series related to blogs. This time Catholic bloggers were asked "What are the problems with blogs."
Barbara Nicolosi, Church of the Masses:
Blogging can foster narcissism. There are a lot of people blogging who really have nothing to say. They are reaching out into cyberspace for some kind of connection, but they would do better to read the best bloggers and restrict themselves to the comment boxes there.
Read the best bloggers? Like her?
For me, the problem with blogs is that I don’t have 24 hours out of every day to read them and write for mine.
I agree with Tony Miller… the ‘There are a lot of people blogging who really have nothing to say’ comment sounds a bit conceited to me. Who is to say that people who blog have or not have anything to say? Everybody has something to say, period. Whether she likes it or not, or find it boring, or unimportant, or whatever, is another matter entirely.
The problem with blogs
Best bloggers? You mean like you, Barbara?
Let me take an opportunity to be narcissistic for a moment, and not just “respond in comments”.
I took a moment to be narcissistic and not “respond in the comment box”.
I agree it does sound patronizing, but I couldn’t help but think that yes, a lot of my best work has been done in the comment boxes.
Nevertheless, I’ve carried some debates from other blogs to my own, and whereas most catholic bloggers do several update or headline style posts each day, my style is to post every couple of days on something that has been percolating in my mind.
Blogs About Nothing Written By Nobodies
Wow, Barbara Nicolosi cheesed some folks over at Curt Jester with the comments she gave to …
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