Dale Price once again levels his considerable wit fisking article from the National Catholic Reporter. This time on Benedictine Arnold Sr. Joan Chittister. No small animals were harmed in this fisking, but I warn you not to read it if you have stitches anywhere on your body that you don’t want to have pop out. It is also interesting how Sr. Chittister seems to have the understanding of some anti-Catholics since she repeat so many canards that you would think she was a disciple of James White.
Remind me never to get on Dale's bad side
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Yikes!!! I loved it. sr. Joan Chittester gets lambasted and with such fervor. LMBO
“Jumping Judas on a pogo stick. There are times when my rare efforts to understand prominent progressives in the Church bear fruit, and I get where they are coming from. Too often I experience this–total, complete incomprehension. As in “futile to even try.” We’re not talking mere futility here–we’re talking metaphysical futility. This is the “one-legged-cat-trying-to-bury-turds-on-a-frozen-pond” kind of futility that makes you want to go to your happy place for a while.”
This had me rolling on the floor, especially when I imagined the cat in a habit (though I don’t think Sr. Joan is the kind to wear a habit. Just a tasteful cross with no corpus).
I wrote Sr. Joan once asking her why she hated the Pope so much. She sounds like the spokesperson for the Democratic Party, (I’m not sure whom she hates more, the Pope or President Bush). These priests “wanna bes” miss the power of their habits and now they want the perceived power of the roman collar. They are angry, bitter and full of envy and spite. She just doesn’t get it. From where most Catholics stand, our church is not the Church of Joan Chisslter but the Church of Jesus Christ.
Re: “liberal journalists” who misuse the “Catholic” title:
They need to be stopped from bringing confusion and doubt to Catholics. They often fail to defend church teachings against du jour, unfound opinions and wild speculations that have no, or questionable, scriptural foundations. The various speculations and opinions are broadly aired in the MSM and other churches’ teachings. Catholic teachings ought to be promulgated by Catholic journals.
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