My first article is up at Spero News and it is a parody news story asking "Is Jesus mainstream enough?"
Here is a roundup of Spero News as provided by Santificarnos
My first article is up at Spero News and it is a parody news story asking "Is Jesus mainstream enough?"
Here is a roundup of Spero News as provided by Santificarnos
“aesthetic John the Baptist”
Never seen St. John the B described this way. Oscar Wilde would be so proud.
Jeff – glad to see your work more widely spread. It’s just too good to confine to a blog.
Hee-larious! 🙂
Spirit possessions are real, but because the world takes all of this as some sort of fantasy and or a story told by deranged people who have mental problems no one much believes these things.
Because of this attitude and what people believe Demons to be I have been sitting here in Ohio since l986 with three Relatives and one Psychiatrist who is a Graduate of the famed Menninger Institute in Minneapolis who have declared themselves satan’s followers and Demons and they have been sitting inside my body since the summer of l986 the first anniversary of the Drs. Death doing all sorts of painful demonic things to me and my body and they say they will not leave or cease and desist until I get someone to believe this is happening to me or until a Priest or Deliverance Minister proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that they can use a Crucifix and prayer book to force them from my body.
Does this sound like a fiction and that is exactly what these four want everyone to believe because they are having a great old time squatting inside my body and laughing their asses off every time I tell this Story and someone says unkind words to me.
This all began when they read a book written by Spiritual Writer Ruth Montgomery who writes with her Guides Thomas and Lily and in the book she says when Spirits become so Evil they cannot be rehabilitated God steps up and Destroys them.
These four say if this is true then they want to know why in the Hell God hasn’t stopped them by now and the curse words are being said here because the four possessing spirits are sitting inside my body right now helping to compose this writing through automatic writing.
Everytime a Medium or Channel for Spirit sits at the keyboard or writes on a writing pad the spirits in control write right along with them, taking over the brain and body so they can show just what spirits can do beyond the Veil of Death.
But make no mistake about it they are behaving as vicious every day of my life taking over and tearing at my brain and body and so far all I have from the Guides in the Spirit World is threats against them but little proof they can actually carry out those threats.
There is one Guide who tells them if theya re inside my body when it dies they will be destroyed when they leave, but how am I going to scientifically prove one way or the other whether that is true if I am dead and have no access to a computer or typewriter or writing pad?
I guess the only way for one to believe these things is to have them happen to them personally because few people believe these things when someone like me tells the story.
The thing is when the Spirit of man leaves its earthly body it does have everlasting life and it can appear to anyone and it can make itself into a giant or it can make its self small enough for four of them to not only climb into a human body but four of them can fit inside a human brain and rock back and fourth causing excruciating pain.
They can crawl in and out of body openings, and that is how they enter a human body.
They can watch people doing everything even taking baths and other human things and if they choose to they can be right in your bedroom watching humans have sex and they won’t even know they are there.
yes even your mother-in-law who has died who may never have liked you now has the freedom to hound your steps day and night and follow you everywhere and you won’t even know it, then she can go back and put thoughts into your wife’s mind and tell her where you have been, what you said and what you did and you will think your wife is a mind reader when in reality its mommy dearest right there in your home following her around telling her everything.
Since these four won’t leave my body and I can’t find an Exorcist or Deliverance Minister to help me free myself from them I have decided to write about them and take them national and international and expose them to their relatives on Earth and tell them the way they are behaving in the After Life.
If any Exorcists or Ghost Hunters out there want to help me I live in Toledo, Ohio but you may already know that from my posts and my story being told on every website that I have found that will let me tell my Story.
For those who believe the exorcist movie and Audrey Rose are just Hollywood Hype think again, I know these things can happen because I have lived through this nightmare for more than 20 years and I see no end in sight so I will keep writing until I find help or until I die whichever comes first or until they leave my body?
As time goes on if someone lets me post my story here I will be writing more about who these four were when they walked the earth and what they were like and how they continue to be in the After Life as we try to prove Life after Death and Everlasting life beyond Earth.
You can now see you will one day be able to return and take up where you left off and deal with any old unfinished business you may have left undone on Earth at your untimely or timely death.
You will be happy to know that you can be right there watching as your friends and realtives go to your funeral and fight over your possessions that you left behind.
If they by chance don’t carry out your wishes you are free to step right up and tell them how you feel about that.
And if you don’t like the second spouses that replace you feel free to come into your former spouses dreams and tell them how you feel.
I guess this story could be called:
“To Eternity and Beyond”