Dawn Eden gives a well deserved fisking to a post in Planned Parenthood’s SaveRoe blog. Planned Parenthood all upset about Focus on the Family’s Operation Ultrasound which is working to equip 650 crisis pregnancy centers with ultrasound machines by the 2010 using privately raised money.
For all the talk about pro-choice I guess this does not include a visual choice. Reality must be hidden at all cost.
NARAL’s director of government relations had previously said concerning ultrasound machines
"They don’t want them to go to Planned Parenthood, where they’ll get their full range of options. They just want them to go to crisis pregnancy centers, where women will be exposed to this weapon at taxpayer’s expense."
Well this time the machines are provided from private sources yet they are complaining that the amount raised will be more than they get from the federal government. Not surprising when showing the truth as something can be described as a weapon.
Here is a picture of an Aviation Ordanceman loading and doing the final check on a ultrasound machine weapon to be dropped on emergency pregnancy resource centers.
Who writes your material? It is things like this that do more to advance the cause of life than any fighting could do.
Okay, go ahead and get ready to think I am a over critical nut, here comes the BUT, I call Dr. Dobson’s organization “OUT OF FOCUS ON THE FAMILY!” Because it is. He accepts contraception. He also say “All you have to do is….” when talking about salvation. Abortion is NEVER going to stop until contraception is exposed for what it is. Dr. Dobson is a false teacher who is KILLING American families. He is drinking out of a artifical feeding tube (A STRAW) which is giving him artificial nurishment. He is a Protesting Christian, living in the fleshm, saying no to Jesus and Holy Mother church.
He’s the drunk calling the dope smoker bad.
Okay go ahead, beat me up!
Someone has to say it.
Peace, Joy, Love, Kindness, Obedience,
Dr. Dobson who was raised Catholic unfortunately like the majority of Protestants is totally wrong on contraception and it is very unfortunate that he has not come out strongly against abortafacients like the pill. But by the lights that he has he is doing good work even though he is not fully in union with the truth of Catholic teaching.
Great job, Jeff. You are advancing the cause.
I think the thought of that ultrasound machine falling from 15,000 feet, and striking a “desperate and poor” pregnant woman who “doesn’t have any choices”, thereby killing her baby, is just the mental image Planned Parenthood needs to get really excited about the machines.
I didn’t know that Dr Dobson was raised Catholic. He not only is totally wrong on contraception but has rejected the teachings of the Church. You say “But by the lights he has he is doing good work…” Sorry he is totally blind and leading many married couples down the road to destruction. Reality check, the pill KILLS children. WHY do you defend him, and give him a pass.
Wonderful! I proposed a law a couple of years ago that would require an *offer* of an ultrasound before an abortion. The woman doesn’t have to accept, but the offer needs to be made.
I was shouted down. I guess pro-choice doesn’t mean pro-informed-choice.
Is it your strategy to make enemies out of everybody?
The above post was addressed to John Bedard.
since the first time i heard my first child’s heartbeat i became convinced that if women had to listen to their preborn child’s heartbeat, they could never kill them in the womb.
smockmomma: Me, too. Saw my lil peanut, as I called her, at 5 weeks. I was shocked to see the heart beating so early.
Quote:Is it your strategy to make enemies out of everybody?
Posted by BillyHW email at April 26, 2005 09:25 PM
Is it your strategy to make friends out of everyone?
Dr Dobson is going to make millons on the machines, and then is going to allow the Culture Of Death to grow in his so called feel good christian organization. he is a social do gooder whio has found a nitch market to make BIg money. Then he will go on the Sean hannity show along with the terminator and interact with those two Kerry Catholics.
Reality Check! When they can get a perfect picture of a baby in the womb, there is a good chance abortion will go up. doctors will be able to check for abnormalities. it will help in the harvest of organs though.
Is everything Dr. Dobson does wonderful? Is the man perfect? No. However, is donating ultrasound machines to crisis pregnancy centers good? Yes. Is doing anything which PP and NARAL don’t like good? Yes.
You don’t have to like everything about someone to point out the good that they do.
I have listened to Dobson’s Focus on the Family broadcasts when he has had Natural Family Practicioners on his show. They explained the Billings Method of Natural Family Planning over the course of two broadcasts and during one he said that he believed that people should not be using contraception because it was abortifacient. They went into some detail about Deprovara, intra-uterine devices and the Pill etc. and explained how they kill unborn children. This has been a while ago but, at that time at least, he was not a great believer of artificial contraception. He even explained that although they only had two children, it was because that was all God had given them, not that they had contracepted the rest away.
As I recall, he got a LOT of heat about that from the Evangelicals. They thought he was selling out to the Catholics, but, I am unaware that he has since changed his mind.
He father was an traveling Evangelical preacher, so I don’t believe he was raised Catholic. He also does not take any proceeds from Focus on the Family or it’s ministry. All his personal income comes from the outside sales of his books. (He was a best selling author before Focus on the Family.) They donate lots of money to pregnancy centers all over the country.
I don’t agree with everthing that Dobson says and I certainly don’t agree with his protestant doctrine, but, I think that the forces of evil would like nothing more than to have us all hating each other.
Lily has it right. Dobson is from an Evangelical family; his dad sounds like a heroic minister, when he talks about him.
And Dobson has come around about abortifacient birth control. He hasn’t admitted that he’s changed his position, but he uses far more Catholic lingo than he may realize, i.e., culture of life. He used to steadfastly ignore the Catholic elephant in the living room about birth control and euthanasia (you should have heard him about Terri Schiavo, indignant and sorrowing and protesting, but only referring to Protestant efforts to help), but lately, maybe with the death of JPII and the beginning of B16, he uses the word “Catholic” without verbally wincing. I say Bravo for him.
Since he’s an evangelical, he’s “allowed” to stand on his position on non-abortifacient barrier birth control, because they haven’t gotten back to the truth on artificial birth control, yet.
I think he does really valuable work. And the ill-informed and mean statement that he will make money on the ultrasounds is just kind of stupid. His financial history is as good as Billy Graham’s.
We need evangelicals like Dr. Dobson to work with us on social issues. Don’t give bad information about him. I encourage listening to his “Focus on the Family” daily 1/2 hour instead. Just don’t take any doctrine from him…..
Just wanted to see if the dictatorship of relativism was alive and well here. It is.
Don’t worry, the good will out weigh the bad, take the money and run.
Oh, I see. Ignoring lies and mis-statements* about a public figure’s position in a public forum means one is a good solid Catholic -but- setting the record straight on that person’s actual position, while not agreeing with everything said public figure says, means one is a moral relativist.
Thanks for the Catechism lesson.
* Dobson promotes abortifacient birth control.(He does not)
* He profits from his ministry.(He does not.)
* He is a fallen away Catholic.(He is not and as a person from a long line of Evangelicals, he most likely is not aware of what the Church actually teaches. Charity would suggest that we (not knowing the state of his conscience)not hold him responsible to teach what he does not know especially since many of our Bishops, theologians, etc. (who presumably DO know) cannot be bothered to teach the truth, making it very confusing for Catholics and non-Catholics alike to know what God’s plan for marriage and the family really is.
Quote: * Dobson promotes abortifacient birth control.(He does not)
* He profits from his ministry.(He does not.)
Yes he does.
John, why are you bothering with this din of iniquity? Obviously all these people are already going to Hell, despite your (no doubt loving) castigations of them. I’m not sure if you can actually tell that I’m being sarcastic, so let me just tell you: you are being a pain.
This Dobson is wrong. Okay. You got that out in your first e-mail. I agree that he is wrong to support contraception. But Dobson is not perfect. Neither am I. AND NEITHER ARE YOU. And God works through imperfect people – as long as they are humble enough to realize that they are imperfect (hint hint).
If you think Dobson is wrong (and I agree with you, he is wrong), tell him so. And tell him so without your Pharisaical self-righteousness. And please don’t waste your time haranguing us small fry. After all we’re all going straight to Hell anyway for not just agreeing with everything you say.