An Air Force Academy chaplain’s call for cadets to evangelize bunkmates during basic training was appropriate and consistent with federal workplace rules, the Air Force said Tuesday.
Maj. Warren “Chappy” Watties’ message has been described by Yale University Divinity School as part of “stridently evangelical themes” during basic training that encouraged divisions rather than unity and spiritual awareness.
The Air Force said Watties, the service’s chaplain of the year in 2004, acted properly because Air Force regulations allow chaplains to evangelize in the performance of their duties to those unaffiliated with another religion.
“Chaplain Watties’ messages and sermons were deemed to be appropriate encouragement to his congregation to share their religious convictions, when invited and in an appropriate manner, consistent with rules governing the federal workplace,” the Air Force said in a statement in response to The Gazette’s written questions. [Source]
Always good to know that spreading the Gospel is still not against government regulations.
Well, what do you know about that? I would have thought for sure that religion would have been placed in the “don’t as, don’t tell” department with all of the other “moral deficiencies”.
Perhaps all is not lost in the armed services.
as = ask doh!
Chaplains can do the job for which they were hired? Where will it all end? Next thing you know they will be saying it is okay for the Pope to be “Catholic”.
for now, anyway… but don’t let us catch you “crossin'” yerself!
Any Old Blue who wants to maintain an attitude of grateful respect and happy recollection about the Mother of Men will do well to avoid finding out what the Yale Divinity School is up to. Of course they don’t think anybody should try to convert anybody else to anything. Funny, really, since all the time I spent at Yale I was continually under seige by people who wanted to convert me to socialism and moral relativism.
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