I wonder how long it will take for the election of a new pope to appear on the National Catholic Reporter’s site? As of 2 pm Easter time still no story. I don’t think I will sign up for their breaking news alerts if they can’t even mention Pope Benedict XVI over an hour after the announcement was made. Maybe someone should call 9-11 to send a emergency team with defibrillators to their headquarters.
Breaking news?
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they finally posted at 12:55 CDT “the church will begin the third millenium with a strong embrace of strict doctrine”. Did it take them that many years to realize this?
I also read their 12:55 story, which closes with the
following comment:
“In 1986, at an international conference on church music in Rome, Ratzinger described rock music as a “vehicle of anti-religion” .”
Sort of an odd way to close a story such as this, unless the author intends to paint our new Holy Father as old and out of touch.
Perhaps they are concerned about the fate of their liturgical experimentations
I wondered what was taking you so long to put something up, but concluded that you were either passed out or still on the ceiling. (So was I, but I can reach the keyboard from there.) I AM SO HAPPY!
I imagine the Liberals over there have been in mourning. Which gives me an unseemly case of the giggles.
I believe the German Papa would ask you to drop the schadenfreude. 😉
It’s nice, but I still want the old one back. Not gonna happen, though…rats
Well, it didn’t take too long for your URL to appear on MSNBC along with Mark Shea’s and Kathy Shaidle’s. 🙂
One of our local tabloids also made a big deal out of some criticism or other of rock by O’Connor… screamer covers.
Evidently, dislike of rock is the ultimate proof of un-PCness.
I must admit: NatCat’s profile on the “Vatican’s Enforcer” just made me chuckle. Let them take all the potshots they wish. Benedict XVI I believe will be a good pope, following a GREAT one! I do not expect him to do everything “my” way, but I am glad to see someone as pope uphold Evanglium Vitae. Thanks be to God!
Still waiting for an update . . .
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