News Comments by Jeffrey Miller March 22, 2005 written by Jeffrey Miller March 22, 2005 Comment problem fixed. My latest addition to my blacklist to prevent comment spam was so effective it prevented all comments. 0 comment 0 FacebookTwitterGoogle +Pinterest Jeffrey Miller previous post Gregorio XVII next post What is it with dissidents and stoles? You may also like So wouldn't be charging for the sacraments be... August 12, 2008 Santo Subito May 13, 2005 22 kids and a lifetime of love March 24, 2004 Swiss Miss-take November 8, 2006 Pope Benedict pledges to mend Orthodox rift May 29, 2005 New and improved ultra-orthodoxy June 8, 2003 Relic of cross found in dusty back room... September 18, 2003 More on The Magdelene February 7, 2008 Marriage has been protected in Oregon April 15, 2005 What is Ratzinger all about? February 17, 2007